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Educationally Disadvantaged
Beyond the Rhetoric: Moving from Exclusion, Reaching for Inclusion in Canadian Schools
A 3-year study in Toronto (Ontario) schools examined educational practices that engender exclusion or inclusion, especially of racially marginalized groups. Findings suggest that an inclusive learning environment introduces topics of race, critically examines cultural stereotypes, has high expectations for minority students, encourages cultural-identity groups, and has equitable school hiring practices.
Changing Expectations: Working with Disaffected African Caribbean Boys
Explores the problem of low academic achievement among African Caribbean boys in English schools and discusses corrective efforts. Efforts in making the curriculum more accessible, promoting self-esteem, and reintegrating African Caribbean students who have been excluded from other schools are examined.
Down with School Improvement--Some Polemical Notes
Criticizes England's School Improvement Ideology (SCIMPI) campaign. It argues that SCIMPI underplays the basics of school improvement, ignores school practices that damage racial relations, place more emphasis on individual schools rather than the school system, and has clandestinely embedded within it destructive improvement practices that can further damage already disadvantaged students.
Educational Reform, Students of Color, and Potential Outcomes
Based on middle-class, white values and assumptions, school restructuring proposed in "first wave reform" will increase inequity and stratification and hamper social mobility for minorities. School choice, outcomes-based education, and secondary track systems are critiqued.
Ethnic Minorities and Achievement: The Fog Clears. Part I (Pre-16 Compulsory Education)
Quantified ethnic elementary school student underachievement data in the compulsory subjects of mathematics, science, and English, with a focus on Black and African Caribbean students. Negative influences to academic achievement in the school environment, including student-teacher relationships and lack of parental involvement, are discussed.
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Principles of Pedagogy in Teaching in a Diverse Medical School: The University of Capetown South Africa Medical School
This paper describes a 2-month project developed by the Sage Colleges (New York) and the University of Capetown Medical School in South Africa to help the medical faculty at the Capetown Medical School teach its newly diverse student body. The program is intended to improve student retention and it emphasizes the need for faculty to assure students coming from nonacademic backgrounds of their competence and to celebrate multicultural diversity in higher education.
Supplementary Schools--Their Service to Education
Discusses how supplementary schools in Britain are as much needed now by the black community as they ever were before. The development of African-Caribbean supplementary schooling, some common features of the supplementary school movement and the curriculum it offers, and supplementary school funding are examined, including a brief discussion on Asian supplementary schools.
The High-Quality Learning Conditions Needed To Support Students of Color and Immigrants at California Community Colleges. Policy Report.
California Tomorrow, a non-profit research organization that supports the development of a fair and inclusive multicultural society, conducted this study.
The High-Quality Learning Conditions Needed To Support Students of Color and Immigrants at California Community Colleges. Policy Report.
California Tomorrow, a non-profit research organization that supports the development of a fair and inclusive multicultural society, conducted this study. The research sought to answer three questions: (1) What are the experiences of Latino, African American, Asian, Native American, white, and immigrant students in the community college system, and what are the systemic barriers and supports they encounter? (2) What strategies are being used for the recruitment, outreach, guidance, and support of traditionally underrepresented students, and what is the perceived success of these strategies? And (3) what forms of professional development and support do faculty and staff need and find useful to help them respond more effectively to the needs of these students?.
The Multicultural Mission of Developmental Education: A Starting Point
Asks a number of questions concerning the delivery of multicultural education, including, "How do we define multiculturalism?" and, "Whose responsibility is it to provide equity in higher education?" Articulates 10 guiding principles for achieving equity in institutions of higher learning, and offers a brief discussion of these principles. (Contains 11 references.) (NB).
The Unity Project: Creating a Circle of Awareness
Research on school restructuring reveals the commitments and competencies that lead to improved outcomes for children, including careful attention to students' emotional development, professional development that emphasizing the reflective study of teaching, culturally responsive and inclusive teaching, and a focus on early language and literacy instruction.
Towards a Comprehensive Language Policy: The Language of the School As a Second Language. An Ontario Perspective
Suggests that Native students entering school in Ontario (Canada) are not treated equally with regard to support for or valuing of their Native language. Overviews research related to second-language instruction and provides policy recommendations for Native-language students, second-language instruction, deaf education, and developing a comprehensive second-language education policy.