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Day Care
A Few Words about Diversity and Rigidity: One Director's Perspective. Food for Thought
Discusses implementing multicultural curricula in early childhood settings. Maintains that early childhood educators need to accept and learn to: live with their personal biases while identifying and confronting them to teach tolerance and acceptance; customize work to staff and children in the program, and be aware of the danger of putting theories ahead of serving individual children and families.
Immigrant Mothers Redefine Access to ESL Classes: Contradiction and Ambivalence
Argues that access to English-as-a-Second-Language classes is a complex issue, perhaps more personal and less amenable to solution than previously assumed. Examples are drawn from five individual life-history interviews with 19 non-English-speaking immigrant mothers of school children.
Multicultural Child Care. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9
In child care centers, parental involvement as well as staff sensitivity toward children and parents are essential for managing cultural diversity in a way that is beneficial for both migrant and indigenous families. Defining and improving the quality of center education from a multicultural perspective require discussions between staff and parents about educational goals and the means to achieve them.
On Knowing the Place: Reflections on Understanding Quality Child Care
Reflects upon experiences with the First Nations' Partnerships and the European Commission Child Care Network to argue that efforts to understand quality care have been insufficiently sensitive to socioecological and cultural factors related to defining and assessing quality. Argues for a reconceptualization of early childhood care, and presents reactions of professionals, academics, First Nations communities, and Africa Institute participants.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Young Children Learn about Immigrants to the United States
Describes a program at an inner-city day care and after-school program (Brooklyn, New York) designed to help children express, share, and take pride in their family cultures, and to respond to increasing hostility toward new immigrant groups. Includes an annotated bibliography of resources for teaching about immigrants to the United States.