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Culture Conflict
A Dialogue About Race and Ethnicity in Education: Struggling To Understand Issues in Cross-Cultural Leadership
A dialogic approach explores some of the complex issues related to race and ethnicity to identify implications for more effective cross-cultural leadership in diverse schools. Revisited field notes, as well as data from interviews and surveys from various research projects, provide the background about the difficulties of understanding race and ethnicity across different school settings and among educators with different perspectives.
A Literature Unit for "Dragon's Gate" by Laurence Yep
Intended as a an aid to classroom teachers, this 52-page handbook presents a literature unit based on the children and young people's book, "Dragon's Gate" by Laurence Yep. It begins with sample lesson plans, pre-reading activities, author information, a book summary, vocabulary lists and suggested vocabulary activities.
Decentering Whiteness: In Search of a Revolutionary Multiculturalism
The present focus on diversity in multicultural education is often misguided because the struggle for ethnic diversity makes progressive political sense only if it can be accompanied by a sustained analysis of the cultural logics of white supremacy. A real revolutionary multiculturalism must consider the construction of subjectivities within relations of power and privilege linked to capitalism.
Drama Modes, Meanings, Methods and Multicultural Education
Suggests that there is a strong affinity between multicultural and theater education. Argues that, through drama and theater, individuals can acquire a clearer visualization and deeper understanding of the topics, issues, themes, and concepts of multicultural education.
Escaping Education: Living as Learning within Grassroots Cultures. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 36
This book challenges the modern certainty that education is a universal good and a human right and celebrates the well-being still enjoyed in the commons and cultures of people living at the grassroots. The first section describes how education is an instrument of acculturation.
Internal Mediation Services: Conflict Management in a Multicultural Higher Education Environment
Discussion of intercultural conflicts among college and university faculty and staff looks at the role of internal mediation services, focusing on steps that should be followed by the mediator, mediator attributes contributing to successful resolution, and the importance of mediators and human resource professionals developing an awareness of intercultural differences that are often the root cause of conflict. (Author/MSE).
Opening Borders
The guide is designed to familiarize adult basic education (ABE) English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teachers with the obstacles faced by adult students from other culture in the adult education classroom. An overview of these challenges and an outline of suggested teaching strategies and cultural activities are presented as a basis for developing a multicultural ABE/ESL curriculum.
Strength through Cultural Diversity: Developing and Teaching a Diversity Course
Describes the design of an interdisciplinary course intended to develop college students' skills in functioning both personally and professionally in a multicultural society. Concepts addressed include the systems and characteristics of culture; individual, familial, community, and cross-cultural dimensions of diversity; differences and similarities between cultures; and conflict and negotiation.
The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Crossfire
This article contains essays on political issues in multicultural and bilingual education.