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Academic Standards
Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution. A "Bulletin" Special
Summarizes a report published by the NASSP Study of the Restructuring of the American High School. Outlines nine educational goals and recommendations on renewal priorities for curriculum, instructional strategies, school environment, technology, organization and time, assessment and accountability, professional development, diversity, governance, resources, ties to higher education, and leadership.
Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution. A "Bulletin" Special
Summarizes a report published by the NASSP Study of the Restructuring of the American High School. Outlines nine educational goals and recommendations on renewal priorities for curriculum, instructional strategies, school environment, technology, organization and time, assessment and accountability, professional development, diversity, governance, resources, ties to higher education, and leadership.
Confluent Education, Multicultural Education, and New Standards for the 21st Century
This paper describes elements of the "New Standards" program that have been set for selected school districts across the United States and challenges people to assess how conceptions of "confluent education" and "multicultural education" may contribute to reaching the proposed new standards.
Educating One and All: Students with Disabilities and Standards-Based Reform
In this report, the Committee on Goals 2000 and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities reports on a systematic comparison of the policies and practices related to standards-based reform and special education. This report assesses the extent to which the goals of common standards and individualized education can be reconciled.
Educating One and All: Students with Disabilities and Standards-Based Reform
In this report, the Committee on Goals 2000 and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities reports on a systematic comparison of the policies and practices related to standards-based reform and special education. This report assesses the extent to which the goals of common standards and individualized education can be reconciled.
Guidelines for Global and International Studies Education: Challenges, Cultures, and Connections
Argues that the high public interest in contemporary international issues has opened a window of opportunity for effecting change in the national global-studies curriculum. Develops guidelines that summarize what concerned scholars and educators recommend as the international dimension of education for K-12 students.
Helping Students with Disabilities Participate in Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum. ERIC/OSEP Digest
This digest discusses how selected researchers are informing practice in four key areas relating to the participation of students with disabilities in standards-based mathematics curriculum. The first area focuses on enhancing students' understanding of mathematics and emphasizes the need to make math meaningful for students with disabilities.
Standards & Inclusion: Can We Have Both?
The move toward higher standards in our nation’s schools has raised a major dilemma for educators committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities. How can these students truly succeed in a learning environment where academic standards and formalized testing are increasing?” This video discusses the following: The Consequences of Higher Standards; The Seven Factors of Successful Inclusion; the Reauthorization of I.D.E.A.; and the Restructuring of Our Schools.
Standards for professional development schools
This project involved field testing and revising the "Standards for Professional Development Schools" (PDSs) and developing an assessment process for their use. Eighteen PDS partnerships participated.
The New Spongiform University
The great works of Western civilization, long held up to college students as models of human achievement, are rapidly being replaced by trivia and by multicultural and poststructural studies. With the growth of postmodern studies has come a decline in broad-based core requirements.