part of the Education Reform Networks
Preparing Limited English Proficient Persons for the Workplace. ERIC Digest No. 215
This digest describes cultural considerations and effective approaches for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals' workforce development, including the impact of recent training legislation. LEP persons often come from both a different language background and a very different cultural background; so English-language instruction must provide cultural and linguistic orientation. Four specific cultural factors may influence learner and teacher in the classroom: roles of learners and teachers; gender-related issues; appropriate topics for instruction; and appropriate behavior at school. One set of instructional approaches is used to provide English-language instruction: English as a second language (ESL), vocational ESL, and workplace literacy programs. Approaches to content-area instruction are bilingual/bicultural education, multilingual/multicultural approaches, "sheltered" content instruction, immersion, and submersion. Changes under the 1998 Perkins Act are provisions balancing greater state flexibility in administering, allocating federal funds with greater accountability for results, and allowing state and local agencies and programs increased flexibility. Given the Workforce Investment Act's (WIA's) recognition of the need for basic literacy, recurring aspects of the WIA system could be of benefit to LEP individuals, including Core Services and Training Services. (Contains 16 references.) (YLB)
Author/Creator: Wonacott, Michael E. Corp Author Eric Clearinghouse on Adult Career, Vocational Education, Columbus O. H.
Date Published: 00-00
Notes: Connect to the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
English Report No: EDO-CE-00-215
Funding: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. ED-99-CO-0013/ Report: EDO-CE-00-215
Document (RIE)
071 Information Analyses--ERIC IAPs; 073 Eric Digest in Full Text
EDRS: EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Resource Availability: 200 OK
Year: 2000
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