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Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:ā€¯Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
Educacao Intercultural e a Dificuldade de sua Pratica: Um Estudo da Imagem do Migrante e sua Familia em Livros Didaticos Alemaes. (Intercultural Education and the Difficulty of Its Practice: A Study of the Image of the Migrant and His Family in German Textbooks.)
Provides a brief historical report on pedagogical efforts to improve the integration of migrants and their families into German society. Examines the way in which the migrants' social situation has been dealt with in textbooks, particularly in books on politics, history, geography, and occupational education.
Redirecting Our Voyage through History: A Content Analysis of Social Studies Textbooks
Examines the extent to which social studies textbooks include diverse perspectives on U.S. history through a content analysis of the treatment of slavery in 17 5th-grade texts in Connecticut.
Who Owns History? (Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity)
Notes that history is always based on someone's vision of truth, expressed through a process of distillation, selection, inclusion, exclusion, reorganization, and prioritizing. Argues that the shorthand, watered-down, or warped history of mainstream textbooks regarding cultural diversity should be supplemented with original documents, fiction, and the voices of real people telling their own stories.