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Team Teaching
Bicultural Team Teaching: Experiences from an Emerging Business School
A new graduate business course in Vietnam team taught by American and Vietnamese instructors illustrates issues in bicultural team teaching, including team formation, sharing workloads in and out of class, and evaluation/grading. The process made the class more relevant, exposed students to multiple perspectives, and helped participants appreciate their own and other cultures.
Blending Cultural Anthropology and Multicultural Education: Team Teaching in a Teacher Education Program
Describes how a large urban university and K-6 classroom teachers collaborated to design an undergraduate teacher education program in elementary and special education, creatively combining subject matter curriculum with educational issues and pedagogy to better prepare teachers to succeed in diverse urban schools. The result was the team-taught Liberal Studies Seminar in Anthropology.
Collaborative Teaching: Many Joys, Some Surprises, and a Few Worms
Discusses a professional-development course for educators, team-taught by three faculty members that combined the content of courses in multicultural education, special education, and human development. Each teacher describes his or her experiences and the issues addressed; student comments are examined; and the requirements for and benefits of effective team teaching are explored.
Cyber Diversity
A Central Michigan University course in African-American literature, attended mostly by whites, is joined by black students and their professor at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, for lectures and discussions by teleconference. Technology is the tool used for increasing diversity in the teaching/learning experience.
Examining the Relationship among Opportunity, Inclusion, and Choice
Describes the multicultural language practices used at Western Hills Elementary School in Denver, Colorado. Discusses social and cultural dimensions of learning and their relationships to second language acquisition.
Oyster School Stands the Test of Time
Describes Oyster Elementary School's award-winning two-way bilingual (Spanish-English) program. The school's success has been maintained by strong parent and community support, high academic standards, and ongoing professional development efforts.
Oyster School Stands the Test of Time
Describes Oyster Elementary School's award-winning two-way bilingual (Spanish-English) program. The school's success has been maintained by strong parent- community support, high academic standards, and ongoing professional development efforts.
Oyster School Stands the Test of Time
Describes Oyster Elementary School's award-winning two-way bilingual (Spanish-English) program. The school's success has been maintained by strong parent-community support, high academic standards, and ongoing professional development efforts.
Teaching to Transform: From Volatility to Solidarity in an Interdisciplinary Family Studies Classroom
Describes a transformative experience in an interdisciplinary course on multicultural families and the xenophobia they experience. The course was created in collaboration with students in order to achieve a more authentic teaching-learning experience.
Teaming for Learning Success
Describes how team teaching benefited two first-grade classrooms, one a bilingual instruction classroom and the other an English instruction classroom, by expanding opportunities for language use and transforming the two classrooms into a more inclusive community of learners as these young children used first and second languages to build bridges to each other and their curriculum. (SR).
The Many Faces of Team Teaching and Learning: An Overview
Defines team teaching, a growing trend. Presents a typology of types differing in purpose: interdisciplinary/multicultural education, collaborate learning, community action, action learning, specialized delivery, professional development, research, and writing.