



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Teacher Response
Education Against Racism and Xenophobia in Europe
Describes a combined initiative between Britain and Germany on educating secondary school students against racism and xenophobia. The development and planning of the initiative is outlined, including teacher responses.
Processing the "Critical" in Literacy Research: Issues of Authority, Ownership, and Representation
Provides one account of a "messy," critical research process, drawn from a dissertation project: a study of students' and teachers' responses within three university writing courses which were focused on "The American Experience" and which fulfilled the institution's diversity requirement. Aims to achieve some degree of methodological metaknowledge about ways the research process failed to be critical.
Teachers' Beliefs, Antiracism and Moral Education: Problems of Intersection
Explores the potential problems of intersection between the defining aims of antiracist education and teachers' beliefs about the aims of education. Identifies a framework for differentiating three ethical perspectives that teachers often take in articulating and justifying their beliefs about the ideal aims of education.