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Teacher Researchers
A Teacher-Researcher Perspective on Designing Multicultural Mathematics Experiences for Preservice Teachers
Discusses the appropriateness and impact of some multicultural mathematics-education assignments for future elementary-school teachers, assignments designed to combat the myth that mathematics is pure abstraction. Discusses a teacher-researcher's effort to use the stage theory of J.
Examining Children's Historical and Multicultural Understandings: The Dialectical Nature of Collaborative Research
Describes the research process engaged in by a group of teacher researchers as they examined students' historical and multicultural understanding. Explores the complex and messy nature of the relationship of teaching and researching.
Inside City Schools: Investigating Literacy in Multicultural Classrooms. The Practitioner Inquiry Series
Chapters in this book were written by members of the Multicultural Collaborative for Literacy and Secondary Schools (the M-CLASS Project), a national teacher-researcher network of English and social studies teachers and university faculty from four cities. Their essays deal with classroom research on learning, diversity, bias, inequality, and real teaching issues in a culturally responsive framework.
Inside City Schools: Investigating Literacy in Multicultural Classrooms. The Practitioner Inquiry Series
The members of the Multicultural Collaborative for Literacy and Secondary Schools (the M-CLASS Project) wrote chapters in this book. Their essays deal with classroom research on learning, diversity, bias, inequality, and real teaching issues in a culturally responsive framework.
Teacher-Researchers Entering into the World of Limited-English-Proficiency (LEP) Students: Three Case Studies
Examines three white teacher researchers' classroom inquiries on their limited English proficiency students. Teachers were investigating students' way of perceiving, learning, and using their native and second language in different circumstances.
Using content analysis to evaluate the success of a professional development school
Interviews with participants in a professional development school identified expectations of the partnership (student focus, better trained teachers), positive outcomes (real-world experience for student teachers, extra attention for students, professional growth for participating teachers), and problems (communication between school and university and within the school).