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Teacher Education Programs
A Crisis in Graduate Studies
Argues that Aboriginal graduate students are creating a crisis for faculties of education. The knowledge needed to supervise them as they produce theses is not available.
Bilingualism and Multiculturalism Go to Early Childhood Programs
This presentation on the preparation of early childhood teachers addresses implication of multiculturalism and bilingual education in early childhood programs. The purpose of the presentation was threefold: (1) to increase understanding of bilingualism and multiculturalism; (2) to compare and contrast bilingualism and multiculturalism; and (3) to explore implications for the preparation of teachers and the development of strong early childhood programs.
Changing the way we do our business: One department's story of collaboration with public schools.
This article describes the efforts of the University of South Florida's Department of Special Education to change its approach to educating special education teachers, by making a total commitment to align its work with public schools in developing a network of Professional Development Schools to reflect a collaborative model of training and research.
Critical Pedagogy in Deaf Education: Teachers' Reflections on Implementing ASL/English Bilingual Methodology and Language Assessment for Deaf Learners. Year 4 Report (2000-2001). USDLC Star Schools Project Report
The Star School staff of the Engaged Learners project at the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe has completed its fourth year of a 5-year federally-funded program. This project aims to improve language-teaching practices of teachers who work with learners who are deaf by providing training in current bilingual theories and pedagogical techniques, including Engaged Learning practices, through a convergence of Internet, Web, and distance learning technologies.
Exploring Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practice (DCAP) through a Nationwide Collaborative Teacher Preparation Project
This paper describes the theoretical underpinnings of a nationwide collaborative research project to develop an early childhood teacher preparation model for developmentally and culturally appropriate practice (DCAP).
Exploring Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practice (DCAP) through a Nationwide Collaborative Teacher Preparation Project
This paper describes the theoretical underpinnings of a nationwide collaborative research project to develop an early childhood teacher preparation model for developmentally and culturally appropriate practice (DCAP). It notes that this model allows prospective teachers to identify their own cultural and ethnic backgrounds and to understand cultural diversity while helping them learn to be sensitive to the cultural backgrounds and characteristics of their future students.
Learning To Teach Science in Contemporary and Equitable Ways: The Successes and Struggles of First-Year Science Teachers
Examines views and practices of first-year science teachers, graduates of a teacher education program in California, focusing on gender equity and multicultural education. Explores teachers' attempts at the nature of science and implementing equitable instruction in classrooms.
Looking Back: Teachers' Reflections on an Innovative Teacher Preparation Program
Discusses an evaluation of the Comprehensive Teacher Institute, an innovative, multicultural, urban teacher preparation program. Reflections by teachers who completed the program indicated that one of the most important contributions to their professional development was fostering a network of colleagues and university faculty who continued to provide support and guidance.
Making Connections between Multicultural and Global Education: Teacher Educators and Teacher Education Programs
This publication is the product of an ongoing study of how teacher educators in the United States and Canada are bridging the gap between multicultural and global education to prepare teachers for diversity, equity, and interconnectedness in the local community, the nation, and the world.
Making professional development schools work:
This book has 11 chapters organized into 3 parts. The chapters are based on following key ideas:College School Cooperation, Partnerships in Education, Professional Development Schools,Teacher Education Programs, Professional Education and Development.
Multiculturalism and Severe Disabilities
This article discusses the need for educators to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to help students with severe disabilities from mainstream groups to develop cross-cultural knowledge, values, and competencies. It outlines goals for multicultural understanding for educational researches, for teacher educators, and for school leaders and teachers.
Patterns in prospective teachers: Guides for designing preservice programs
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity. Part Four: Program Structures and Design contains: "Patterns in Prospective Teachers: Guides for Designing Preservice Programs (K.
Patterns in prospective teachers: Guides for designing preservice programs
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Philosophical and structural perspectives in teacher education
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Project BESTT: A Training Model for Rural, Multicultural, Bilingual Special Education
Rural schools along the New Mexico-Mexico border face unusual challenges in meeting the special education needs of a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) population. This population includes Anglo Americans, Mexican Americans, Mexicans, and American Indians.
Project Bridge: Preparing African-American Teachers To Work with Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families. Final Report
This final report describes the activities and outcomes of a federally funded project that was designed to prepare African-American students at the graduate level as teachers in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), who would be capable of meeting the special education needs of young children with disabilities, ages birth through five, and their families.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
The Understanding of Local Context in Teacher Education
The teacher education program at Western Montana College helps preservice teachers understand how the local context of the rural school and its community impacts student learning and the teacher's role. Coursework and multiple field experiences help preservice teachers identify their own cultural background and give them experience in teaching culturally diverse students.
Through the Eyes of Preservice Teachers: Implications for the Multicultural Journey from Teacher Education
Investigated definitions and perceptions of multicultural education among 103 preservice early childhood education students. Found that students' definitions illustrated minimal understanding of multicultural education, limited to race and ethnicity.