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Student Placement
Black Students in Teacher Education
Examines black student's experiences in initial teacher education, and reveals what still needs to be done before these students can receive the same positive treatment as their white colleagues. The author presents research revealing the various forms of racism, discrimination, and stereotyping that create these negative educational experiences and suggests what teacher education can do to prevent replicating them.
Disproportionate Representation: A Critique of State and Local Strategies. Policy Forum Report (Washington, D.C., September 14-15, 1995). Final Report
This document reports on the purpose, implementation, and outcomes of a policy forum on strategies used to address the disproportionate number of students from minority ethnic/racial groups receiving special education. Participants included representatives of state education agencies, local education agencies, the university/research community, general education, the Office for Civil Rights, and advocacy groups.
From exclusion to inclusion in urban schools: A new case for teacher education reform
Argues that special and segregating programs for students having difficulty learning focus on within-child deficits, keep students apart from their peers, and lower teacher expectations. The authors make a case for urban schools and teacher preparation that enhance skills in dealing with diverse learners and encourage inclusion.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Metropolitan Board of Public Education v. Guest
Parents of a first-grader with autism challenged the district's proposal to change his placement from a regular kindergarten with supplementary aids and services to a special education classroom for two-thirds of the school day. An administrative law judge that Joel Guest be placed in the full inclusion program.
Overrepresentation of Minority Students in Special Education: A Continuing Debate
This article reviews historically the overrepresentation of Latino and African-American students in special education; examines the influence of court cases, debate about systemic issues, demographic and socioeconomic changes, the construction of minority students' school failure, and the fallacy of the cultural diversity-disability analogy; and offers solutions.
Reducing the Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education. ERIC/OSEP Digest #E566
This digest summarizes the problem of over-representation of minority students in special education and offers suggestions to reduce this disproportionate representation. It notes concerns of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) that minority students are being misclassified and receiving inappropriate services and/or discriminatory placement in special education.
The Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education: Responding to the Problem
Identifies specific content that teacher trainers in special and general education should consider incorporating into preservice training programs in an effort to address the over- and underrepresentation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education programs. The fields of multicultural education and bilingual education are seen to offer effective practices and programs for diverse special-needs learners.
The Practical Impact of Current Research and Issues in Intelligence Test Interpretation and Use for Multicultural Populations
Hostility towards intelligence tests is based on perception that such instruments are decisive in placing ethnic and linguistic minority students in ineffective educational placements. It is imperative that discussions about intelligence and cognition be guided by the presupposition that there are certain cross-cultural skills all students must achieve to be successful in school and in their vocations.