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Social Discrimination
A Mountain Cultural Curriculum: Telling Our Story
Studies the development and implementation of a six-week curriculum to expose denigrating Appalachian Mountain stereotypes and supplant them with images that children create after investigating their West Virginia mountain cultural history of oppression and rebellion. Bases the development of the curriculum on multiple conceptions of multicultural education.
Accent Discrimination: Implications for the Multicultural Educational Institution of the 21st Century
Based on litigation patterns, discrimination because of accent occurs most frequently in colleges and universities, particularly in the classroom. Accent discrimination cases are unlike other employment discrimination cases because successful claims generally do not depend on qualifications, but on accent's effect on job performance.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education: A Case Study of Multicultural Organizational Development through the Lens of Religion, Spirituality, Faith, and Secular Inclusion
Presents a case study of the University of Maryland Office of Human Relations Programs' (OHRP) efforts to confront Christian privilege and build a religiously, spiritually, faith-based, and secularly inclusive community campus-wide. Highlights four stages: rifts and tensions, reconnecting, reconceptualization, and realization.
Focus on Human Rights
Maintains that educators have been at the forefront in the quest for equal opportunity. Asserts, however, that there is resistance to recognizing and removing bias from the curriculum and instructional materials.
Giving All Children a Chance: Advantages of an Antiracist Approach to Education for Deaf Children
Discusses how multicultural approaches to educating children with deafness are often limited to the description of ethnic differences. The need for schools for students with deafness to use an antiracist approach to education that addresses the social and political ramifications of ethnic differences is stressed.
Homophobia and the Demise of Multicultural Community: Strategies for Change in the Community College
Looks at teaching strategies for incorporating texts by sexual minorities into writing and literature classrooms, and for handling blatantly homophobic comments. Argues that such comments work to undercut the idea of a writing community.
Ideals for Citizenship Education
Discusses the importance of citizenship education in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe, explaining that citizenship education in schools provides an opportunity for young people to see justice as everyone's business and to learn how to ask questions, think critically, and see that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (SM).
In the Triangle/Out of the Circle: Gay and Lesbian Students Facing the Heterosexual Paradigm
Research with gay/lesbian high school students found that they sensed their sexual preference at an early age, had sexual awareness experiences similar to most adolescents, and faced conflicts with families and religion. It was recommended that multicultural perspectives include gays and lesbians and that teacher and administrator sensitivity be developed.
Issues of Discrimination in European Education Systems
Examines difficulties and complexities in researching issues of discrimination in education across European countries as a first step in devising intercultural curricula. Discusses cross-national differences in terminology, in the ways in which research issues related to racism and interculturalism are formulated, and in the educational experience of children of immigrant and ex-colonial groups.
Learning To Be a Citizen in the Global Age
Discusses how to teach students to be citizens in today's diverse world, examining current key issues and explaining the varying forms of citizenship and variables associated with access to them. Stresses the need to integrate education for the diverse range of citizen learning models in order to abolish social discrimination forever.
Multiculturalism: A Language with Many Dialects
A participant in a seminar on multiculturalism suggests that the discourse on cultural diversity actually reflects two distinct issues: (1) pluralism, individual dignity, and mutual understanding, and (2) historical oppression and the quest for equity. The challenge for college educators is to bring together these issues and use the college classroom as a locus for social change.
No Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
By 1993, New York City's multicultural and innovative Children of the Rainbow curriculum had been discontinued and the education chancellor fired. This article examines the curriculum's development and implementation and the controversies surrounding it.
Perceptions of Chicano/Latino Students Who Have Dropped Out of School
Reports on qualitative study of focus group interviews with Chicano/Latinos who had dropped out of school. Responses revealed themes of alienation and discrimination in the school setting.
Reclaiming Our Pasts: Equality and Diversity in the Primary History Curriculum
This book guides teachers through the British Core Units and each Extension Study category of the National Curriculum Programme of Study. The volume explores possibilities for extending children's perspectives on the past and the present to avoid exclusively Eurocentric or male-centered approaches to history and to consider how to include working class history.
Report on Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Arab Americans, 1996-97. Corp Author(s): American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC
Examples of hate crimes against Arab Americans in this report are those that were reported to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), but the actual number of hate crimes and incidents of discrimination far exceeds those reported.
Report on Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Arab Americans, 1996-97. Corp Author(s): American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC
Examples of hate crimes against Arab Americans in this report are those that were reported to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), but the actual number of hate crimes and incidents of discrimination far exceeds those reported. As the report shows, Arab American civil rights were increasingly threatened in 1996-97 by the Anti-Terrorism Act, which allows the use of secret evidence against individuals accused of supporting terrorist organizations.
Seeing through Race, Gender and Socioeconomic Status
This paper discusses the history of discrimination in the United States and the length of time it took to abolish the legal support of racism. The paper then discusses the problems of diversity in the United States.
The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing To Change Themselves and the World around Them
A young teacher attempted to engage a class of high-risk urban students by introducing them to books about intolerance and ethnic misunderstanding and developing their own awareness of discrimination and social bias through diaries that documented their own thoughts and feelings.