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Secondary School Teachers
Best Practices for High School Classrooms: What Award-Winning Secondary Teachers Do
This book provides guidance on high-impact teaching practices, offering first-hand accounts of award-winning teachers.
Classroom Multiculturalism: A Closer Look
Uses field data gathered in two school districts to explore multicultural activity in social studies classrooms. The focus is on the source, treatment, and incorporation of multiculturalism into the lessons.
Coalescing for Change: The Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural
Describes the situational complexity of the "Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural," a teacher development group of continuous inquiry into practice by reflective practitioners interested in resistance and collective social action. Interviews with and observations of female members over six months provide information on vision, leadership, empowerment, transformation, and social action.
Curricular Approaches To Developing Positive Interethnic Relations
Examines how curricular approaches have helped build positive interethnic relations in a large, ethnically diverse high school, documenting four curricular approaches teacher leaders used to address issues of race and ethnicity and exploring the impact of those approaches on student learning. Illuminates how teacher leaders and administrators created the conditions for these curricular reforms to be sustainable.
Navigating through Uncharted Territory: The Tensions and Promise of PDS Partnerships
One of five articles in the section on the "Promise and Purpose of Professional Development Schools," this article examines challenges that arise when preservice teacher education occurs mainly within professional development schools (PDS). Suggests that for PDS to promote reform, partners must set aside preconceived notions and share in decision making regarding all aspects of PDS.
Salad Bars & Smorgasbords: The Management of Culture in Sweden & the United States
Investigates multiculturalism and education in Sweden through historical accounts, national course plans and guidelines, current theory, discussions with scholars, classroom observations, and 23 interviews of late-secondary/early postsecondary teachers of civics and Swedish language arts. (EMS).
The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing To Change Themselves and the World around Them
A young teacher attempted to engage a class of high-risk urban students by introducing them to books about intolerance and ethnic misunderstanding and developing their own awareness of discrimination and social bias through diaries that documented their own thoughts and feelings.
Then the Beauty Emerges: A Longitudinal Case Study of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Explores the classroom curriculum and instructional strategies of a white, second career teacher who created a culturally relevant teaching practice. Longitudinal data chronicled the development of her beliefs, values, and dispositions for meeting diverse student needs.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.