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School Role
Building a New Life: The Role of the School in Supporting Refugee Children
Investigated refugee children's experiences adjusting to life in England. Interviews and surveys involving refugee and non-refugee children ranging from early to mid-adolescence provided data on: children, war, and persecution; flight to safety; early days in Britain; starting school; the importance of English; coping with the past; and providing support for parents.
Carnegie Corporation's Youth Intergroup Relations Initiative. Report of a Meeting Convened by Carnegie Corporation of New York (New York, NY, October 15-17, 1997)
The Carnegie Corporation's initiative, established in 1996 to create a "new generation of tolerance," included grants to 16 institutions for cutting-edge research in various social science disciplines. Some themes are presented from the second meeting of project leaders for these research efforts.
Coming to Terms with "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" in Teacher Education: Learning about Our Students, Changing Our Practice
Teacher educators addressed negative student responses to a multicultural foundations course by designing an action research study to investigate students' identities, experiences, and beliefs. Analysis of written assignments and focus group discussions uncovered three categories of beliefs about the purposes of schools in relation to cultural diversity.
Education and Class
The working class is nearly invisible in multicultural education literature. Examines the possibilities of a more careful foregrounding of the complexities of social class in shaping life chances, focusing on the educational experiences of working class students and discussing the poor in order to promote understanding of the potential of teacher advocacy to help all children living in poverty.
Embracing a Democratic Vision of the Community College: A Critical Multicultural Response to Recent Debates
Discusses "Strengthening Collegiate Education in Community Colleges" (J. S.
Enhancing Achievement for Language Minority Students: Classroom, School, and Family Contexts
Presents an ecological model for examining the educational and familial contexts that influence the educational achievement of language minority students. The framework outlines conceptual and philosophical bases to serve as guiding principles for urban school reform efforts committed to developing multicultural, pluralistic environments where all students can learn.
Immigration and Pluralism in Urban Catholic Schools
Investigates how Catholic schools are making the transformation from national to multicultural schools as they meet the needs of new immigrants in the inner city. Focuses on the concept of mediating institutions, investigating urban Catholic school principals' willingness to experience diversity.
Making and Molding Identity in Schools: Student Narratives on Race, Gender, and Academic Engagement. SUNY Series, Power, Social Identity, and Education
This book focuses on the relationship between ethnic and racial identity and academic engagement, examining in particular the role that schools and classrooms play in shaping this relationship. It examines the lives of students to ask how they conceptualize and assert their ethnic and racial identities across varied curricular settings.
Refugee Pupils: A Headteacher's Perspective
Although challenges faced by refugee children in English schools are those faced by all students, theirs are exacerbated by their refugee status. Particular problems are those of student migration, language, culture, home and school relationships, the pastoral aspect of school care, and the need for time to deal with the child as an individual.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
The Universal Classroom
Education has long been the focal point for the debate over black claims to a special relationship with American society. Some recent works dealing with the situation of blacks in American society and education are reviewed in the context of current concerns with multiculturalism.