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School Holding Power
A Qualitative Study of College Social Adjustment of Black Students from Lower Socioeconomic Communities
Uses elements of the Ecological Model as a framework for examining the methods by which students develop social relationships and determining whether these relationships support college retention. An oral composite was constructed from the comments of Black commuter students from lower socioeconomic communities.
Action Research Teams: A Means to Transform Teaching and Empower Underrepresented Students in the University Classroom
This paper describes the Action Research (AR) Team model for joining classroom observations with collegial interaction among university faculty, teaching assistants, and university students to improve pedagogy and the retention of diverse students in higher education. The paper includes a progress report of efforts to develop the model and apply it on a pilot basis at New Mexico State University.
Alaska Native Personal Leadership Program
Describes the Alaska Native Leadership Program (ANLP), designed to recruit and retain Alaska Native college students. The year-long program includes an orientation, a two-semester class on self-exploration, skill-building, educational and career paths, and social activities.
Assessing Students' Attitudes and Achievements in a Multicultural and Multilingual Science Classroom
Takes a qualitative and quantitative look at the curriculum and teaching of a two-way immersion eighth-grade solar energy science classroom and examines its implications for education policy and reform. Results for a class of 25 students indicate that the approach increases the retention rate of Hispanic students.
Beyond Access: Methods and Models for Increasing Retention and Learning among Minority Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Issue 112. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
This edition of New Directions for Community Colleges offers community college educators alternative models, approaches, and perspectives to consider in working with ethnic minority students. The volume addresses issues of assessment, career and educational goals, learning enhancement, success courses, mentoring programs, campus climate, educational technology, and the integration of nonminority instructors into the minority environment.
Included in Sociology: Learning Climates That Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity
This collection of essays is designed for the faculty member and others who care about the retention and success of students of color in gateway courses in Sociology. The book examines assumptions about diversity and teaching and learning and provides strategies for enacting learning environments that are more inclusive and conducive to the success of all students.
New Statewide Regional Initiative on Creating Inclusive Educational Communities for Minority Students
Despite the existence of a college-wide Committee on Access, Equity, and Cultural Diversity and other efforts, minority retention rates at Illinois' Parkland College remained disproportionately low. In 1996, the college received a grant through the Higher Education Cooperation Act to develop an approach to recruit and retain minority students.