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School Districts
Adult Basic Skills: Developing a Local Action Plan.
This document presents advice from the United Kingdom's Basic Skills Agency regarding developing local action plans.
Crisis in the Heartland: Addressing Unexpected Challenges in Rural Education
Recent increases in cultural and linguistic diversity in Kansas have raised three challenges for educators, especially rural educators: geographic isolation, capacity building, and professional development. Describes innovative, nontraditional programs developed by Kansas State University to help educators meet these challenges, including distance education, collaborative site-specific adaptations of curriculum and instruction, and cross-cultural sensitivity training.
I Always Wanted To Live in an Exclusive Neighborhood until I Realized That Who They Were Trying To Exclude Was Me!
Examines how schools replicate or interrupt exclusionary or discriminatory practices based on a study of Latino school administrators in San Diego County (California). Presents a model of the interaction between Latino educational administrators and the sentiment within the educational community that places educator identity and professional development within four quadrants.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Now You See It; Now You Don't: A District's Short-Lived Commitment to an Alternative High School for Newly Arrived Immigrants
Describes the response of an urban school district to the unexpected enrollment of large numbers of newly arrived immigrants. Focuses on the processes that resulted in the implementation of an alternative high school and its abrupt closure a year later, and explores the implications of these decisions for policy and practice.
Race Equality and School Improvement: Some Aspects of the Birmingham Experience
Describes two initiatives--Education for Our Multicultural Society/Success for Everyone and KWESI--illustrating Birmingham Local Education Authority's (LEA's) efforts to enhance racial equity and improve schools. These initiatives demonstrate the LEA as policymaker, providing a clear sense of vision and purpose, and as an enabler and facilitator for change.
Supporting Multiple Reform Designs in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse School District
Uses data from a study of 13 multicultural, multilingual schools, each implementing one of 6 externally developed reform designs, to examine the implementation process from an interactive perspective. Concludes that, although schools and design team actions were influential, state and school district forces were more important in determining success or failure.
What Diverse, Rural Communities Need and Want from Their Teachers
Two community meetings in a rural multicultural New Mexico school district examined community expectations of teachers. Awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences were identified as the most important qualities.