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Religious Cultural Groups
Exploring Multicultural Themes through Picture Books
Advocates inclusion of multicultural picture books in social studies instruction to offer different outlooks and visions in a short format. Describes selection of picture books with multicultural themes and those that represent various cultures, gender equity, and religious themes.
Involving Parents in Children's Learning: A Strategy To Raise Standards in an Inner-City Primary School
Describes a strategy to raise standards in a British inner-city school through parent involvement in learning and decision making and the recognition of religious and cultural diversity. Communication, particularly with language minority parents, is vital to the program's success.
Minority Religious Practices: The Need for Awareness and Knowledge
Study was conducted to investigate whether educators have knowledge regarding various religious groups. Results indicated few educators possess knowledge of minority religious holidays, religious prohibitions and restrictions, and identities of prophets and founders of these religions.
Multicultural Education in the Zionist State--The Mizrahi Challenge
Reports that the educational experience of Israeli Jews from Islamic countries (Mizrahi Jews) demonstrates the struggle between egalitarian rhetoric (a critical multiculturalism with a social-democratic character) on one hand and a practice of segregation (an autonomist multiculturalism with fundamentalist features) on the other. (Contains 78 end notes.) (PGS).
Puja: Expressions of Hindu Devotion. Guide for Educators
This teaching packet serves as a unit by itself or as part of preparation unit for a visit to the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery to see the exhibition "Puja: Expressions of Hindu Devotion." Focusing on Hindu religious objects found in an art museum, the packet suggests connections between art and world studies themes.
The Permanent Exclusion of Asian Pupils in Secondary Schools in Central Birmingham
Examined the permanent exclusion of Asian students from secondary schools in Birmingham (England). City school records show that exclusion of Asian male students, particularly of Muslims, is on the increase.
Those People: You Know Who They Are
Describes the ways in which a group of graduate students in a theory of multilingual education class learned to identify groups they had been taught to regard as "those people," others to be distrusted or disliked. Dialogue about who represented "those people" for each student led to considerations of race, class, gender, and religion.
Why Does the Buddha Have Long Ears? A North Carolina Museum Educator Invites Students To Explore Religious Diversity through Art
Describes the Five Faiths Project, a children's program of storytelling, photography workshops, museum exhibits, classroom projects, and community performances developed by the curator of education of the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina. Activities, which have focused on Hinduism and Judaism so far, will eventually explore diversity in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
World Rhythms: Students Make Cultural Connections through Music and Dance
Describes several programs in which music and dance are used to unlock doors that stereotypes of race, gender, language, religion, or ability have kept shut. Exposure to the music and dance of other cultures helps children's awareness of the diversity of the world and people's essential similarities.