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A Multicultural Autobiographies Interdisciplinary Course
Describes an interdisciplinary course on multicultural autobiographies that integrated psychology and literature, requiring students to examine primary texts using analytical tools from both disciplines. Addresses the outcomes and writing assignments, psychological and literary perspectives on autobiographical texts, the students' responses, and teaching observations.
Cultural Malpractice: The Growing Obsolescence of Psychology with the Changing U.S. Population
Without substantial revisions to curricula, training, research, and practice, psychology risks professional, ethical, and economic problems because it will no longer be a feasible resource for the majority of the U.S. population.
Five Themes To Enhance the Value of Psychology to Schools
Psychology as a profession and the American educational system are in a major period of transition. Transitions influencing the American education system are: (1) an increasingly diverse multicultural society; (2) rapid changes in the work place; (3) changes in American society; (4) civil rights legislation; and (5) rising costs associated education.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles. Part 1, "Overview: The Evolution of Mental Health Counseling," provides definition and a discussion of training and certification.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles.
Reimagining Race in Education: A New Paradigm from Psychology
Discusses paradigms underlying current approaches to multicultural education, introducing a typology of philosophical assumptions that has been used to classify approaches to multiculturalism in the field of psychology; discussing racial identity theory as an important psychological component of a race-based perspective for understanding race and culture in education; and examining how racial identity affects educational thought and practice. (SM).
Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum
Focuses on the value of a multicultural counseling prepracticum course for counselors in training at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond). States that the course helps students develop their skills in multicultural counseling.
Teaching Other People's Ideas to Other People's Children: Integrating Messages from Education, Psychology, and Critical Pedagogy
Educational endeavors are enriched by diverse forms of knowledge and experience, and, particularly in urban schools,by diverse children and teachers. An important educational task is teaching other people's ideas to other people's children.
Teaching through Diversity
Argues that one of the richest vehicles for enhancing students' classroom learning is the diversity of the student body itself. Integrating diversity into the classroom process also increases motivation and facilitates development of social, cognitive, and communication skills necessary for today's multicultural workforce.
The Diversification of Psychology. A Multicultural Revolution
Presents trends and recommendations arising from the continuing diversification of psychology, highlighting five multicultural themes: diversification of the United States; facilitating difficult dialogues on race, gender, and sexual orientation; spirituality as a basic dimension of the human condition; the invisibility of monoculturalism and whiteness; and teaching multiculturalism and diversity. The challenge of developing a multicultural psychology is discussed.