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problem solving
A Survival Kit for the Elementary/Middle School Art Teacher
This book is for art teachers looking for a new approach to the traditional lesson. The projects can be used at most grade levels.
Exploring the Game of "Julirde": A Mathematical-Educational Game Played by Fulbe Children in Cameroon
Presents an educational mathematical activity from Africa. Shows how one child explored the game of Julirde, a game of the mosque emphasizing problem solving and symmetry.
Mentors in Medicine
Introduces the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) which was created by West Virginia University for secondary school students to address the shortage of minorities pursuing science careers. Aims to improve science and mathematics education and increase the college attendance rate among underrepresented students.
Partnership Teaching: Success for All Children Using Math as a Vehicle
Using a constructivist and multicultural approach, math skills were taught in urban elementary classrooms. Acceptance of self and others, teamwork, problem solving, and critical thinking were emphasized.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diversity through Service Learning
Discusses challenges teachers face with learners from different backgrounds. Presents service learning as an alternative framework for teacher education with the potential for engaging teachers in an active construction of knowledge and development of connections between community and multicultural teaching practices.
Reflections on Multicultural Curriculum. Building Community through Global Problem Solving
Describes the importance of teaching students empathy for and understanding of cultural differences, explaining how to build community through shared responsibility in global problem solving. Three examples of this type of curricular exercise, which focus on nutrition, economic structures, and ecology, are presented.
Resolving Conflict Creatively in the Multicultural Community: Inter-Cultural Mediation. [Videotape.]
Students encounter numerous volatile situations throughout their school days, especially during times of increasing diversity. "Inter-Cultural Mediation" is a single half hour video that includes a teacher's manual and student handouts.
Teaching Community Psychology: A Problem-Solving Approach
Describes a psychology course that implemented a problem-solving approach to provide students with a hands-on experience of community psychology in a multicultural South Africa. Traces the students' reactions to the course from their initial enthusiasm and emergence of frustration to their eventual understanding of other cultures.
Teaching through Diversity
Argues that one of the richest vehicles for enhancing students' classroom learning is the diversity of the student body itself. Integrating diversity into the classroom process also increases motivation and facilitates development of social, cognitive, and communication skills necessary for today's multicultural workforce.
The Impact of a Standards Guided Equity and Problem Solving Institute on Participating Science Teachers and Their Students
This study examined the effect of a teacher enhancement project combining training on the National Science Education Standards, problem solving and equity education on middle school science teachers' attitudes and practices and, in turn, the attitudes of their students.