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Assessing the Impact of a Prejudice Prevention Project
Reports on the effectiveness of a prejudice prevention intervention that was used among a culturally diverse group of students in Hawaii. Results indicate that teachers observed significant improvement in the students' cooperative social skills as a result of participating in the multicultural guidance activities.
Collaboration in the Science Classroom To Tackle Racism and Sexism
Describes techniques used in a British secondary school classroom to encourage collaborative learning to promote science while addressing sexism and racism in the classroom. Group work practices were extended to include students monitoring of themselves and their interactions, with feedback and discussion of the social processes.
Communicating Appropriately with Asian and Pacific Islander Audiences. Technical Assistance Bulletin
Developing culturally appropriate prevention messages and materials for Asian and Pacific Islander audiences is challenging. It is important to recognize and respect their geographic, ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic diversity.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Project Support Evaluation. Los Angeles Unified School District, Report #3 - Final Evaluation
Project Support, a 3-year project funded by the federal government, was designed as a demonstration of the impact of a comprehensive school-based drug and gang prevention program for high-risk students in six elementary schools in Los Angeles (California).
Project Support Evaluation. Los Angeles Unified School District, Report #3 - Final Evaluation
Project Support, a 3-year project funded by the federal government, was designed as a demonstration of the impact of a comprehensive school-based drug and gang prevention program for high-risk students in six elementary schools in Los Angeles (California). In addition to providing some programs for entire grade levels, the program planned to identify 250 to 300 students on which to concentrate services.
Sex-Related HIV/AIDS Prevention among African American College Students: Issues for Preventive Counseling
Examines condom use during oral and anal sex among 1593 African-American college undergraduates. Findings suggest a high level of concordance between men and women on several measures.
Using Multicultural Resources for Teachers To Combat Racial Prejudice in the Classroom
Presents questions that will assist early childhood teachers in evaluating their own views and behaviors toward various ethnic groups. Provides resources for teachers to educate themselves, parents, and students.
Working Together To Prevent Violence
By cooperating with other district staff, law enforcement, fire and rescue personnel, and social services, educators can prevail over school violence. First steps are developing a well-trained team, an effective crisis-response plan, and an alternative site to accommodate students.