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Preschool Curriculum
A Few Words about Diversity and Rigidity: One Director's Perspective. Food for Thought
Discusses implementing multicultural curricula in early childhood settings. Maintains that early childhood educators need to accept and learn to: live with their personal biases while identifying and confronting them to teach tolerance and acceptance; customize work to staff and children in the program, and be aware of the danger of putting theories ahead of serving individual children and families.
Big as Life: The Everyday Inclusive Curriculum. Volume 2
This guide is intended to assist early childhood teachers in integrating multicultural, anti-bias education into the curriculum. Following an introduction discussing the goals and elements of a transformative curriculum, Part 1 of this volume presents curriculum units on animals, community, foods, friends, heroes and "sheroes," money, senses, and work.
Child Development in the Context of Multicultural Pre-School Education
This study examined the impact of a multicultural preschool curriculum in Slovenia on preschool children's sensitization to cultural differences and understanding of themselves, others, and different cultures. The curriculum was implemented for a 1-month period for 6.6- to 7-year-olds.
Creative Experiences for Young Children. Third Edition
Noting that a creative approach to early childhood education allows teachers to reinforce the foundation of achievement by encouraging and expanding upon children's play activities, this book provides teacher-developed ideas and strategies for creating learning communities in the early childhood classroom.
Early Childhood Education in Azerbaijan
Describes the Early Learning Childhood Center in Azerbaijan's capital city. Focuses on the goals of the program; its initial development; staff ratios, compensation, and teacher training; curriculum; cultural challenges and compromise; and relationships with parents.
Early Childhood Education Program Expectations: Standards of Quality.
In 1999, a task force was appointed to develop early childhood education (ECE) program expectations or standards for New Jersey's ECE programs. The standards were based on the task force's review of research, curricula, standards, and guidelines developed by local boards of education, other states, and professional organizations; feedback on draft standards from various professionals; and three regional focus groups.
Implementing Change at the Pre-Primary Level in a School in India
Examines an initiative to introduce a multicultural- and whole-language-based early childhood curriculum in a private school in New Delhi, India. Considers the planning of the change from traditional education; the creation of an activity room for free play; parental responses to the new program; and factors that facilitated the change process.
Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Responding to the current level of bias with regard to Native peoples in preschool education and providing opportunities for preschool children to better understand issues of cultural diversity, this curriculum guide explores Native American issues.
Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children in Early Childhood Settings
Addresses the needs of preschool children whose biological parents come from two or more traditional racial/ethnic groups. Advocates the extension of multiracial curriculum in early childhood programs to support and embrace these multiracial and multiethnic children.
Saris & Skirts: Gender Equity and Multiculturalism
The booklet discusses about enormous potential the staff members working in early childhood services have to influence young children's developing attitudes toward cultural diversity and gender equity.
Saving the Pig, But Missing the Point! Observations on Antibias Programming
Examines the mind set in early childhood programs associated with effective implementation of anti-bias programming. Maintains that anti-bias programming involves a mind set that creates a permeating sense that everyone has value, and requires commitment to reasonable, fair, and sensitive attitudes and actions.
Teaching the Third Culture Child
Examines experiences of a 5- and 7-year-old entering a U.S. early childhood program in context of child development theory, constructivist philosophy, and the Japanese social teaching model.
The Early Childhood Curriculum: Current Findings in Theory and Practice. Third Edition. Early Childhood Education Series
Continuing pressures on all of education to fully prepare children for the role of citizen intensifies the need for early childhood educators to respond to the questions of what is taught and what content young children are learning. Designed as a resource for early childhood educators, this book offers an overview of various theories, research bases, and practices in curriculum content areas in early childhood education and addresses current issues such as inclusion and multiculturalism.
The Early Years: A Reader
This book compiles specially commissioned articles about early childhood education written by experts in the field and students enrolled in the Early Childhood Studies Scheme at the University of North London. The book is divided into seven parts.
The Multicultural Worlds of Childhood in Postmodern America
The multicultural worlds of childhood in postmodern American present challenges and opportunities for the early childhood curriculum. This chapter explores the historical context of multicultural America and the possibility of an early childhood critical multicultural curriculum with "border crossings," or transversing subject-area disciplinary boundaries.
Why Cooking in the Curriculum?
Discusses how food preparation activities in the early childhood classroom can facilitate parent participation. Explains how cooking activities can involve reading, math, science, reading, writing, multicultural components, and creativity.