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Creating World Peace, One Classroom at a Time
Recounts activities from a kindergarten classroom to illustrate how a multicultural approach cultivates a school environment embracing diversity and educating students about responsibilities associated with freedom. Stories include those related to students viewing each other in terms of individual characteristics rather than their ethnic group, creating a mind map for Earth Day, and cooperating with older students to write class letters against child labor.
Dream of Peace, To Dare To Stay the Violence, To Do the Work of the Peacemaker
This essay focuses on teachers as peacemakers. Peace education is discussed as multifaceted and cross-disciplinary, emphasizing the teaching of peace, nonviolence, conflict resolution, social justice, economic well-being, political participation, and environmental concern.
Educating for the 21st Century: Beyond Racist, Sexist, and Ecologically Violent Futures
Discusses resources of hope in educating for the 21st century, arguing the importance of active listening to children's voices and resistance to fatalistic fallacies regarding negative trends. The discussion examines principles from critical futurism and contemporary movements of educational innovation (including peace, multicultural, nonsexist, and environmental education) and discusses how schools are sites of possibility for encouraging alternatives to violence.
Integration of Peace Education into Multicultural Education/Global Education
This paper presents the view that prevailing resentment against new immigrants and other ethnic minorities has clarified for many educators the need for teaching all students skills to resolve conflicts and reduce violence in schools. The paper advocates that peace education be integrated with multicultural education as a way for students to learn these skills, and elaborates on a multidisciplinary approach to the integration of peace education, including links to psychology and political science.
Joining the Dialogue: Six Teachers Discuss Making Changes toward a Multicultural Curriculum (Rainbow Teachers/Rainbow Students)
Presents six brief articles by six Arizona teachers offering their reflections about practices, strategies, and vision as they make changes toward a multicultural curriculum. (SR).
Making Peace: A Narrative Study of a Bilingual Liaison, a School and a Community
Explores the role of bilingual liaisons in resolving conflicts and building bridges of understanding between schools and diverse communities, discussing the representation of individuals' voices and narrative forms that engage readers aesthetically and critically; addressing multiple conflicts affecting the lives of minority language students, their families, and schools; and noting the need to move to a paradigm of making peace. (SM).
Making School a Place of Peace
This book was written for educators at all levels and individuals who are concerned about making schools safe, orderly places. It offers guidelines to promote and increase peace in the schools.
Making School a Place of Peace
This book was written for educators at all levels and individuals who are concerned about making schools safe, orderly places. It offers guidelines to promote and increase peace in the schools.
The Quiet Peacemakers. A Tribute to Teachers
This booklet, which is available in English, French, and Spanish, presents articles by eight individuals from around the world which demonstrate how teachers worldwide are finding ways to show children how to respect those who are different from themselves. The teachers' mission is to provide children with the means to overcome centuries-old tensions.