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Parent Role
Breaking the Cultural Cycle: Reframing Pedagogy and Literacy in a Community Context as Intervention Measures for Aboriginal Alienation
This paper presents an alternative view to the pedagogical needs relating to literacy for Aboriginal students. The question posed is how to utilize this knowledge to lessen the impact of perceived failure in early schooling of entrenched non-attendance patterns for Aboriginal students of compulsory school attending ages.
Community Elders: The Roles of Parents in a School of ”Choice”
"This paper critiques the common argument that schools will become more responsive to parents and more equitable when ”chosen” by the clients they serve. Based on a qualitative study of an urban Catholic high school that is ”chosen” by an increasingly diverse clientele, the paper demonstrates that, even in schools that are outwardly characterized by values cohesion, shared goals, and voluntary affiliation, interaction between a school and its environment is likely to be a process of ongoing negotiations and unarticulated struggles for voice among unequals.
Creating the will; Hispanics achieving educational excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
Developing an Inclusive Approach to Preschool Education: A Discussion of Issues and Strategies, with Implications Focussing on Quebec
Examines cultural conditions necessary for children's development in day care settings, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecology of Human Development. Considers the parental role in this context; also the relationship between educators and parents, with a view to creating culturally appropriate conditions for the developing child.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Making Positive Multicultural Early Childhood Education Happen
Describes the process of implementing a positive multicultural educational plan in the early-childhood classroom. Explores techniques in expanding teacher knowledge, changing teacher attitudes, and implementing new ideas; also covers skills necessary to making multicultural education effective, what the plan should teach children, opportunities for mentoring, and parental inclusion in the process.
Selecting Children's Picture Books with Strong Black Fathers and Father Figures
Presents the image of black fathers as portrayed in children's picture books. Explores themes, trends, and significant works, showing black fathers and father figures.