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Educational Resources on Traditional African Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary Offerings and Suggestions for Their Use in the Classroom
This annotated bibliography examines 29 significant works on traditional African music published between 1960 and 1991 that provide information and perspectives that supersede those of instructional resources published earlier. (SLD).
Effect of Multicultural Music Experience on Preservice Elementary Teachers' Attitudes
Explores the effects of multicultural music-lesson planning on preservice elementary teachers' attitudes toward teaching from a multicultural perspective. Reveals a significant relationship between exposure to multicultural music and attitudes of willingness to teach it; no effect was observed on attitudes of willingness to teach in culturally diverse environments.
Experiencing Literacy In and Out of School: Case Studies of Two American Indian Youths
Focuses on the role of multiple literacies in the lives of Lakota and Dakota (Sioux) young adolescents who lived and attended school in a predominantly White, rural, upper Midwest community. Explores ways they constructed meaning through music, dance, and art.
Making Connections
Discusses ways to overcome seventh and eight graders' negative feelings of diversity in the context of a study of the Holocaust. Describes the use of poetry, music and lyrics, and memoirs and novels that reflect a wide range of viewpoints to help students feel more connected to their own world.
Multiculturalism and Music Re-attached to Music Education
Suggests that the role of music and music education in supporting culture is very powerful. Focuses on students learning about music as opposed to performance.
Music Training in Germany
This special-issue volume examines music education in the two Germanies and how music has had a great influence in the culture of the nations. The presentation is a professional and objective portrayal of music training and cultivation in Germany in the last decade of the present century.
Repertoire, Authenticity, and Instruction: The Presentation of American Indian Music in Oklahoma's Elementary Schools. Native Americans: Interdisciplinary Perspectives--A Garland Series
This book examines the presentation of American Indian music by elementary music educators in Oklahoma, which has the largest American Indian population of any state. A literature review covers an historical profile of multicultural music education, ethnomusicological studies of American Indian music, dissertations pertaining to American Indian music in the classroom, analysis of American Indian content in general music textbooks, and surveys assessing inclusion of American Indian music in curricula.
Teaching What's Dangerous: Ethical Practice in Music Education
Proposes the educational activities in a modern, multicultural society and explains that these aims have strong implications for the ethical import of music education. States that music has a significant role in the personal and social development of students.
World Rhythms: Students Make Cultural Connections through Music and Dance
Describes several programs in which music and dance are used to unlock doors that stereotypes of race, gender, language, religion, or ability have kept shut. Exposure to the music and dance of other cultures helps children's awareness of the diversity of the world and people's essential similarities.