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Coming Together: Preparing for Rural Special Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (18th, Charleston, South Carolina, March 25-28, 1998)
This proceedings contains 64 papers on rural special education. Papers present promising practices in rural special education, discussions of theory and research, research findings, program descriptions, and topics of current concern.
Early Childhood Special Education for Children with Disabilities, Ages Three through Five: An Introduction. Revised
This introduction to a reference guide for early childhood special education personnel in North Dakota discusses the purpose of the guidelines, the North Dakota philosophy on the importance of early intervention programs, and quality indicators of early intervention programs.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Taylor’s Story: Full Inclusion in Her Neighborhood Elementary School
Content Abstract:
Analysis of the experience of a student with severe mental retardation who experienced full inclusion in her neighborhood elementary school revealed that the student’s opportunities for social participation and friendship improved, several adaptive skills were developed, the classroom teacher played a critical role in orchestrating the level of academic inclusion, and transition planning was essential. (Author/JDD) Method Abstract:
”Data from interviews, sociometric measures, videotapes, and field notes were used to present the perspectives of administrators, general and special educators, students and Taylor’s parents.” Quantitative and qualitative research methods utilized.
The sociometric status of students with disabilities in a full-inclusion school.
This study examined the sociometric status of children with disabilities in a full-inclusion school that did not use eligibility labels for special education services. The study used a positive and negative peer nomination technique to interview all students.
Use of instructional time in classrooms serving students with and without severe disabilities
This investigation explored the use of teacher and student time in an inclusive elementary school where students with mild to profound disabilities were enrolled in general education classrooms. Participants included 6 students with severe disabilities and 12 students without disabilities.