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Life Events
Constructing Conceptions of Multicultural Teaching: Preservice Teachers' Life Experiences and Teacher Education
Addresses the need for greater understanding of the complex, contradictory nature of preservice teachers' life experiences as they interact with a multicultural, social reconstructionist teacher education course. The paper describes a study of the course and portrays two students' prior experiences that influenced their motivations to teach multiculturally.
Developing a Commitment to Multicultural Education
Investigated the kinds of lived experiences contributing to teachers' commitment to multicultural education and processes by which teachers became committed. Interviews and surveys involving K-12 and college teachers indicated that teachers developed commitment through various developmental life experiences.
Everybody's Story
Describes Happy Medium School, Seattle (Washington), a school in which diversity is respected and exploring diversity is an essential part of the curriculum. Teachers at this school regard school as a part of each student's extended family and consider things that happen at home to be a legitimate topic for classroom discussion.
Experiences and Beliefs as Predictors of Ethnic Identity and Intergroup Relations
Factors affecting ethnic identity and other group orientation were assessed in 115 college students from 5 ethnic groups. Ethnic group self-identification, negative and positive interracial experiences, perceptions of racial bias, social support, just-world beliefs, and psychological distress were each associated with various components of ethnic identity and are discussed within a counseling perspective.
The Lives and Values of Researchers: Implications for Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society
Discusses why it is necessary to uncover the values that underlie social science research and reviews reasons objectivity should be a goal of social science research. Presents a typology of cross-cultural researchers and describes the lives and work of some social scientists who exemplify these categories.