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Learning Processes
Arts Curriculum Framework: The Practice of Creating. Curriculum Framework. Corp Author(s): Massachusetts State Dept. of Education, Boston
This curriculum framework presents a philosophy of arts education, synthesizes current research, and sets learning standards for students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The curriculum framework's core concept is that experience in the creative process is essential for all learners, and that, in the arts, this process involves solving problems with skill and imagination, discovering new questions, ideas, and objects, or interpretations of existing works.
Constructivism and Multicultural Education: A Mighty Pedagogical Merger
Examines three ways that constructivism is aligned with multicultural education in formal educational environments: (1) learners organize ideas in unique ways; (2) learners' self-awareness and self-concept influence learning; and (3) a learner's personal history filters new information. (GR).
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:ā€¯Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts. ERIC Digest
This Digest considers language learning as a socio-cultural process, contending that to fully function in a particular language, one not only needs to understand the mechanics, such as the grammar, but also to apply that language across various contexts, audiences, and purposes. The Digest discusses language learning at home, language learning in communities, and language learning among linguistic minority children.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include these articles: "The Inevitable Radical Weakness of Language: Some Reflections about Forming Readers and Citizens" (Daniel Goldin); "Relationships among Reading and Writing, Thematic Units, Learning Through Research...In Search of Effective Instruction for Whole Language" (Timothy Shanahan); Comprehension and Textual.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include articles on:- Bilingual Education, Language Processing, Learning Processes, Literacy Education, Reading Instruction, Writing Instruction, Classroom Techniques.
Teaching Is a Cultural Activity
Explores teaching as a cultural activity by focusing on U.S. and Japanese systems of teaching in the context of cultural beliefs about how students learn and the teacher's role in the learning process.