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A Faceless Bureaucrat Ponders Special Education, Disability, and White Privilege
The first part of this article critiques categorical approaches to special education, overrepresentation of minority children in special education, inclusion and exclusion, and white privilege. The second part of the article describes the potential of multicultural education, transformation, and participatory leadership approaches to address the issues raised in the critique.
Breaking Racial Stereotypes by Reconstructing Multicultural Education
Racial stereotypes and discrimination have destroyed many bright futures by limiting the possibilities of people of color in America. Describes two initiatives that can be implemented in schools in order to help destroy negative images of race and reconstruct a more healthy foundation to build on: multiculturalism across the curriculum and multicultural awareness inservices for teachers.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Moving from an Obsolete Lingo to a Vocabulary of Respect
In the postcolonial era, vocabulary must be developed that communicates a belief in equality through word choices that promote respect. Citizens of the global community have the right to name themselves, define their histories, and live according to their cultures.
Teacher Expectations of Multicultural Exceptional Learners: Impact on "Accuracy" of Self-Concepts
This paper uses case studies of culturally diverse exceptional learners to illustrate the impact of teacher expectations on the "accuracy" or "inaccuracy" of student self-concepts. In addition, innovative techniques that reduce stereotypic labels and enhance "accurate" self-concepts are discussed.
Teacher Expectations of Multicultural Exceptional Learners: Impact on "Accuracy" of Self-Concepts
This paper uses case studies of culturally diverse exceptional learners to illustrate the impact of teacher expectations on the "accuracy" or "inaccuracy" of student self-concepts. In addition, innovative techniques that reduce stereotypic labels and enhance "accurate" self-concepts are discussed.
White Americans' Attitudes Toward Asian Americans in Social Situations: An Empirical Examination of Potential Stereotypes, Bias, and Prejudice
Investigates the stereotypical attitudes of college students toward a variety of social situations involving Asian Americans. Examines the effects of differential labeling of Asian Americans regarding the attitudes held toward them.
World Rhythms: Students Make Cultural Connections through Music and Dance
Describes several programs in which music and dance are used to unlock doors that stereotypes of race, gender, language, religion, or ability have kept shut. Exposure to the music and dance of other cultures helps children's awareness of the diversity of the world and people's essential similarities.