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Junior High School Students
Assessing Students' Attitudes and Achievements in a Multicultural and Multilingual Science Classroom
Takes a qualitative and quantitative look at the curriculum and teaching of a two-way immersion eighth-grade solar energy science classroom and examines its implications for education policy and reform. Results for a class of 25 students indicate that the approach increases the retention rate of Hispanic students.
New Dramas for New Identities
Describes the use of a drama conducted within an educational setting to help students better understand the complexities of identity formation and prepare them to live in a multiracial society. The drama's effectiveness in fostering an understanding of cultural identities is assessed in light of changing social theories that question multicultural and antiracist education.
On the Power of Separate Spaces: Teachers and Students Writing (Righting) Selves and Future
Studied the effect of programs within desegregated schools that serve an identified population of students for cultural affirmation and advancement. Ethnographic data from a girls' group at an urban magnet school and a Vietnamese students' homeroom, focusing on 20 high school students, in an urban comprehensive school demonstrate both the power of such "spaces" and the contradictory impulses within such arrangements.
The Effect of Modified Input on the Acquisition of Vocabulary in Science by a Newly Arrived Bilingual Student in a Secondary School
Studies the effect of specific teacher input, modified for comprehension, on the acquisition of science vocabulary by a recent immigrant, a 12-year old newly arrived at an English secondary school. Comprehensible input played an important part in the acquisition of this student's science vocabulary.