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A Continuing Education Program on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
This manual and accompanying videotape are used as a continuing education program to enhance the skills of special and general educators in serving children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The video can also be used alone to provide a general overview of issues related to children with attention deficit disorder.
A Continuing Education Program on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
This manual and accompanying videotape are intended to be used as a continuing education program to enhance the skills of special and general educators in serving children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The video can also be used alone to provide a general overview of issues related to children with attention deficit disorder.
Best and Promising Practices in Developmental Disabilities
Twenty-six papers on the education of students with developmental disabilities are divided into 7 sections on: (1) definition and placement; (2) assessment and curriculum; (3) instructional strategies; (4) individual needs; (5) systematic and data-based instruction and management; (6) family involvement and community attitudes; and (7) appropriate services.
Collaborative Interventions for Assisting Students with Acquired Brain Injuries in School
Brain injury is a leading cause of disability in students. These students will need support throughout their school career.
Counseling Interventions for Students Who Have Mild Disabilities
Reviews characteristics, problems, and needs of students with mild disabilities. The role of counselors' attitudes and behaviors, and the need for special training in assisting these students are discussed.
Creativity and Giftedness in Culturally Diverse Students. Perspectives on Creativity
The 11 chapters in this text address issues concerned with identification and educational intervention with gifted students who are from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Culturally Diverse Beliefs Concerning Dying, Death, and Bereavement: A School Psychologist's Intervention Challenge
School psychologists need to employ a multicultural perspective in the areas of death, dying, and bereavement. To develop multicultural sensitivity and competency requires setting aside one's personal beliefs in an attempt to adopt another's perspective.
Curricular Modifications, Family Outreach, and a Mentoring Program: Impacts on Achievement and Gifted Identification in High-Risk Primary Students
A study investigated the efficacy of specific interventions (mentoring, parental involvement, and multicultural curricula) on academic achievement of 273 elementary students from low-socioeconomic environments. The interventions had no statistically significant effect on student achievement in any grade.
Enhancing Multicultural Relations: Intervention Strategies for the School Counselor
Inquiries were sent to guidance directors of more than 100 school districts in suburban New York concerning initiatives being taken to enhance multicultural relations in the school. Strategies were then incorporated into a proposed four-phase framework for implementing a comprehensive multicultural relations initiative in school.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Helping Students Learn to Get Along: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multicultural Developmental Guidance Project
Tested the effectiveness of a framework that linked developmental and multicultural counseling theories for use among elementary-school-age students (n=117). Designed to help students develop a variety of social and interpersonal skills that would increase their ability to resolve conflicts resulting from negative prejudices, the intervention was successful.
Meeting the Special Needs of Dual Language Learners with Disabilities: Integrating Data Based Instruction and the Standards for Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages
This paper on meeting the needs of students with disabilities who are learning English as a second language suggests integrating principles from the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Standards and Data Based Instruction (DBI). The power of combining intentional language teaching with an action research process is illustrated by four case studies conducted by special education interns in a multicultural setting.
Students identified as seriously emotionally disturbed in school-based day treatment: Cognitive, psychiatric, and special education characteristics
A study analyzed the diagnostic profiles of students in school-based day treatment. The treatment histories of 85 students who attended either a rural or a suburban program were used as the basis for the study.
The Decline of Youth Suicidal Behavior in an Urban, Multicultural Public School System following the Introduction of a Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program
Reports a five-year longitudinal study of suicidal behavior of students in southern Florida. Describes a district-wide suicide prevention program and offers statistical data organized into annual, monthly, grade-level, and school-level classification of the degree and direction of self-destructive behavior among youth.
The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 1998
An official refereed branch journal of the American Counseling Association, this journal covers current professional issues, theory, research, and innovative practices or programs in all branches of counseling.