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Interpersonal Competence
A Longitudinal Measure of the Perceptual Impact of a Cultural Diversity Teaching Practicum on the Interpersonal Competency of Student Teachers
A study evaluated the longitudinal effect of a planned in-school practicum experience addressing cultural diversity on the self-perception of student teachers regarding their interpersonal competence in such situations.
Breaking Down the Walls: Camp/School Program Brings Diverse Communities Together
The Discovery Center (Ashford, Connecticut) is a camp/university/school program that provides a positive diversity experience to preadolescents through experiential education in an outdoor, residential setting. Students from at least four cultural groups are mixed for all cabin and lab groups, and all camp activities are retooled to pursue the goal of comprehensive diversity education.
Compendium: Writings on Effective Practices for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners
Derived from two national multicultural symposia, this compendium focuses on an array of topics that combine research and educational practices for youth from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with disabilities and/or gifts.
Cultural Diversity and Social Skills Instruction: Understanding Ethnic and Gender Differences
This book affirms that the behaviors of young people from culturally diverse populations need to be viewed from a cultural perspective, and that instruction should affirm students and empower them to achieve maximally as well as to benefit others. A theme that underlies the entire book is the advocacy of direct instruction in social skills, followed by opportunities for practice and conditions for maintenance.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
Inclusive Schooling Practices: Pedagogical and Research Foundations: A Synthesis of the Literature that Informs Best Practice About Inclusive Schools
This monograph summarizes the literature base that informs current understanding of the best approaches to support students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Teaching through Diversity
Argues that one of the richest vehicles for enhancing students' classroom learning is the diversity of the student body itself. Integrating diversity into the classroom process also increases motivation and facilitates development of social, cognitive, and communication skills necessary for today's multicultural workforce.