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Critical Pedagogy in the Computer Classroom: Politicizing the Writing Space
Examines how computer-mediated communication and hypertext in a critical literacy pedagogy (focused on writing as the ideological problem to be examined) can (1) support a critical examination of how discursive-contexts-position authors in potentially oppressive ways; and (2) help highlight how discursive agency might be constructed so that students see cultural difference as potential for intervening into ideology. (SR).
Effects of Learners' Language Backgrounds and Computer Graphics Display Strategies in a Hypermedia Learning Environment
Discussion of multicultural classrooms and English-as-a-Second-Language focuses on a study that investigated the relationship of learners' language backgrounds and different computer graphics display strategies. Four versions of hypertext instruction with identical text and different levels of computer graphics displays were tested on graduate students.
The Use of Hypermedia in Effective Diversity Training
A qualitative study examined the effects of a hypermedia program on diversity training completed by 65 undergraduate students. Results showed that when different types of implementation groups were utilized, discussion (considered vital to diversity training) only occurred on a regular basis in facilitated groups, and to a lesser degree in pair groupings, when mixed by gender and ethnicity.