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Humanistic Education
Beyond the methods fetish: Toward a humanizing pedagogy
Academic achievement of historically oppressed groups is affected by the societal power relations reproduced in schools and by the "deficit" perspective. Culturally responsive education and strategic teaching are humanistic approaches that respect and use the culture, history, and perspectives of the students in educational practice.
Bunker Hill Community College: A Common Experience for Lifelong Learning
Describes the design, implementation, and assessment of the general education program at Bunker Hill Community College, in Boston, Massachusetts. Indicates that the program is designed to serve as an academic commons where students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds can come together and share common intellectual experiences.
Confluent Education, Multicultural Education, and New Standards for the 21st Century
This paper describes elements of the "New Standards" program that have been set for selected school districts across the United States and challenges people to assess how conceptions of "confluent education" and "multicultural education" may contribute to reaching the proposed new standards.
Critical Issues in Social Studies Research for the 21st Century. Research in Social Education Series
Social studies is a field struggling to reconcile multiple and, at times, conflicting rationales. The beginning of a century is an appropriate time to reflect on the condition of social studies and to question where the world has been and where it is going.
DBAE: The Next Generation
Examines the development and evolution of discipline-based art education (DBAE) from its inception in the early 1980s to its current practice. Maintains that the movement's success comes from the support and acceptance of educators in the field.
Miami-Dade Community College: Applications at the Wolfson Campus
Reviews the Miami-Dade Community College (MDCC) general education program, focusing on the program's specific applications at MDCC's Wolfson Campus. Indicates that general education at the Campus involves education in environmental issues, social studies, humanities, multicultural awareness, the cultivation of individual responsibility, and thinking skills.
Qualitative Research and Confluent Education: A Method for the Study of Differences and the Expression of Diversity
This paper examines the philosophical and methodological perspectives of qualitative research and the guiding principles of confluent education. The paper presents issues, concerns, and criticisms of both paradigms and discusses areas for their mutual support and improvement.
Religious Music and Multicultural Education
Discusses religious music as an extraordinarily rich resource supplementing multicultural education. Considers the divisive and problematic nature of some religious music, exemplified by a trio of Jewish students refusal to sing "St.
Stop Standing on the Baby! Spirituality and Education
Demonstrates that even very young children are capable of abstract thought and expressions of their own spirituality, and argues that spirituality can and should be a part of the educational curriculum. The author suggests that spirituality in education, if nurtured, enhances the educational experience and helps the child fully develop as a human being.
Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curriculum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities
Examines six elementary social studies textbook series for the absence or presence of multicultural perspectives. Identifies Houghton Mifflin and Macmillan as opposite ends of the spectrum.
Using Media To Create Experiential Learning in Multicultural and Diversity Issues
Presents a framework for using media to create experiential learning in multicultural and diversity issues based on cognitive-experiential self-theory. Offers several lessons and a media resource list aimed at training counseling students in multicultural and diversity issues.