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Group Discussion
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education
Describes university intergroup dialogue programs, which bring together diverse students to discuss issues related to their diversity and develop comfort with and skills for discourse on difficult topics. Examines their basic tenets, themes, and variations.
Literature Discussion in the Elementary School Classroom: Developing Cultural Understanding
One effective instructional technique for promoting cultural awareness and understanding among elementary school students is literature discussion. Literature discussions help children explore multicultural ideas and issues, reading works of culturally relevant literature, then coming together to discuss their personal responses.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity through Critical Conversation
Students in ethnically homogeneous regions often enter teacher education programs lacking opportunity to recognize or reflect on diversity. By creating spaces for critical conversations, students can extend their perspective and understanding of diversity.
The Use of Hypermedia in Effective Diversity Training
A qualitative study examined the effects of a hypermedia program on diversity training completed by 65 undergraduate students. Results showed that when different types of implementation groups were utilized, discussion (considered vital to diversity training) only occurred on a regular basis in facilitated groups, and to a lesser degree in pair groupings, when mixed by gender and ethnicity.