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A Qualitative Study of College Social Adjustment of Black Students from Lower Socioeconomic Communities
Uses elements of the Ecological Model as a framework for examining the methods by which students develop social relationships and determining whether these relationships support college retention. An oral composite was constructed from the comments of Black commuter students from lower socioeconomic communities.
Multiculturalism, Diversity, and the Impact Parents and Schools Have on Societal Race Relations
Multicultural research shows that students' attitudes and friendships within a multiracial/ethnic context involve complicated sets of behavioral and attitudinal dimensions. Parents' and teachers' influence can cause children to develop positive and/or negative attitudes about an entire group.
Teaming for Learning Success
Describes how team teaching benefited two first-grade classrooms, one a bilingual instruction classroom and the other an English instruction classroom, by expanding opportunities for language use and transforming the two classrooms into a more inclusive community of learners as these young children used first and second languages to build bridges to each other and their curriculum. (SR).
That Old Gang of Mine. Movies about Friendship, Loyalty, and the Culture of Violence
Reviews three contemporary movies, "Sleepers," "Girls Town," and "Slingblade" in which the common thread is abuse of helpless children by patriarchal authorities, adult white men who assert power over young people. In all three movies, the anger of the young people and their friends suggests respect for the righteousness of violence that raises many social questions.