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Feminist Criticism
Education. CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines. Women in the Curriculum Series
This collection of four essays examines the ways in which education, as a discipline, currently reflects ongoing scholarship on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. In "Teacher Education and Multicultural Education: Research, Students, and Teaching" Carl A.
Reclaiming the Borderlands: Chicana/o Identity, Difference, and Critical Pedagogy
Argues that "Borderlands" discourse has served, and continues to serve, as a theoretical framework to advance educational theory by accounting for multiple subjectivity and difference. Provides historical background of Chicana/o Studies and its contribution to Borderlands theories.
Whose World Is It, Anyway? Multicultural Science from Diverse Perspectives
Reviews three books that argue that science education should reflect global scientific contributions, use multicultural and feminist perspectives, and be grounded in everyday life experiences with science. Suggests questions of policy and practice in moving from theory to implementation of a more equitable, socially responsible science education.