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Family Role
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
Contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring. Identifies major theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on families and minority student achievement.
Reaching All Families: Creating Family-Friendly Schools
Recognizing the critical role parents have in developing their children's learning habits, this booklet offers strategies that focus on ways principals and teachers can communicate with diverse families about: (1) school goals, programs, activities, and procedures; (2) the progress of individual students; and (3) home activities which can improve children's school learning.
Teachers' Perspectives on Their Work with Families in a Bilingual Community
Reviews research on teacher-parent relations, integrating three teachers' perspectives on their work with families in a bilingual community. Describes observations and interviews with teachers and parents over a school year that offer data for an in-depth analysis of teachers' perspectives on teacher-parent interactions in this setting.