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Ethnic Studies
Color-Line to Borderlands: The Matrix of American Ethnic Studies. American Ethnic and Cultural Studies Series
This collection of essays traces the historical development of ethnic studies, its place in U.S. universities and the curriculum, and new directions in contemporary scholarship.
The Diversity Project: Institutionalizing Multiculturalism or Managing Differences?
Institutions embrace diversity in theory, but they do not do much to implement it. Their inadequate support for ethnic studies is a case in point.
Multiethnic Education: Theory and Practice (Third ed.)
This book is designed to help preservice and inservice educators clarify the philosophical and definitional issues related to pluralistic education, and design and implement effective teaching strategies that reflect ethnic diversity, and prepare sound guidelines for multiethnic programs and practices. It describes actions that educators can take to institutionalize educational programs and practices related to ethnic and cultural diversity.
Topics in Hawaii's History: Resources and Lesson Plans for Secondary School Teachers
Twenty-nine teachers participated in a 4-week National Endowment for the Humanities institute which covered topics from pre-contact Hawaiian population estimates to formation of plantation workforces to contemporary sovereignty issues.
Teaching Chicano Sociology: A Response to the Academic Stock-Story about Ethnic Studies Classes
Analyzes the academic stock-story that portrays ethnic studies classes as limited in substantive content, noncomparative, and only useful if they meet specialized curriculum needs. Discusses how to structure a Chicano sociology class as response to the academic stock-story and addresses the advantage of a diversity requirement in universities.
Eurocentrism, Ethnic Studies, and the New World Order: Toward a Critical Paradigm
Summarizes the general history and progress of what has been accomplished in the areas of ethnic studies and multicultural education. The article argues that ethnic studies programs are actively concerned with developing a paradigm that is anti-Eurocentric and antiracist in content and application.
Ethnic Studies and Multiculturalism: SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education
This book examines ethnic studies and multiculturalism movements at the higher education level. It notes the different viewpoints of these two movements, with ethnic studies usually involving a focus on a single ethnic group at the departmental level, whereas multiculturalism involves infusion of multiethnic themes into the curriculum across departments.
Student Movements for Multiculturalism: Challenging the Curricular Color Line in Higher Education
This book explores whether courses that focus on issues such as race/ethnicity, cultural diversity, cultural pluralism, and ethnic studies should be required for bachelor's degrees. The study focuses on the American cultures breadth requirement at the University of California-Berkeley and the ethnic studies requirement at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, showing how student demands for multiculturalism in the curriculum resulted in these requirements.
Expanding the Borders of Liberal Democracy: Multicultural Education and the Struggle for Cultural Identity
Discusses the relationship between liberal democratic principles and multiculturalism as it applies to implementation of educational policies. An ethnographic/ethnic studies and critical multiculturalism model is proposed to ensure the acknowledgment and empowerment of the ethnic identity of the students.
Big Win for Ethnic Studies at Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley students and faculty from the ethnic-studies program protested budget cuts and faculty losses. The resulting agreement includes creation of a new ethnic-studies research center, establishment of a multicultural student center, and creation of eight faculty positions, five of them tenure-track.