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Ethnic Relations
A Spatial Study of the Mobility of Hispanics in Illinois and the Implications for Educational Institutions. Working Paper No. 43
This paper examines the growth and characteristics of the Hispanic population in Illinois and presents a case study of how a rural Illinois community and its schools are adapting to an influx of mostly Mexican immigrants. The first section discusses Mexican immigration to Illinois during the 1900s and provides racial/ethnic data on population growth in the Midwest and Illinois during the 1980s; educational attainment, 1980-95; income and poverty rates; and population change in metro and nonmetro Illinois, 1990-96.
A Spatial Study of the Mobility of Hispanics in Illinois and the Implications for Educational Institutions. Working Paper No. 43
This paper examines the growth and characteristics of the Hispanic population in Illinois and presents a case study of how a rural Illinois community and its schools are adapting to an influx of mostly Mexican immigrants.
Dreams of Woken Souls: The Relationship between Culture and Curriculum
This paper examines the relationship between culture and curriculum, combining academic discourse relating to the construction of identity, policy, and curriculum and conversations with 42 members of a New Zealand intermediate school community about the nature of culture. Interviewers' comments and stories illuminate their views of Maori and White culture, cultural differences and interrelationships, intergroup relations in school and community, and cross-cultural communication and learning.
Dreams of Woken Souls: The Relationship between Culture and Curriculum
This paper examines the relationship between culture and curriculum, combining academic discourse relating to the construction of identity, policy, and curriculum and conversations with 42 members of a New Zealand intermediate school community about the nature of culture.
Influences of Ethnicity, Interracial Climate, and Racial Majority in School on Adolescent Ethnic Identity
Study examines the ethnic identity development of 252 adolescents. Analyses reveal that being a member of an ethnic minority group and interracial climate accounted for the greatest variance in ethnic identity development.
Interethnic Relations on Campus: Can't We All Get Along?
Examines ethnic climate and relationships among ethnic groups at five colleges. Data indicate that White and Latino students were the most comfortable interacting with other ethnic groups, whereas Asian students were the least comfortable.
Making Multicultural Education Effective for Everyone
Responds and elaborates on an article on preparing Anglo graduate students for the journey toward a multicultural perspective. Affirms assertions for a balanced support-challenge model in multicultural training, for the usefulness of self-disclosure in these courses, and for articulation of the rewards of becoming a multiculturalist.
Mental Health Counselors as Consultants for Diversity Training
Argues that mental health counselors need to devote more attention to minority group issues. In light of a society that is rapidly becoming even more diverse in its make-up, a rationale and specific techniques enabling a mental health counselor to serve in the capacity of a consultant are presented.
Multicultural Education in the United States: A Historical Review
Examines the development, fluctuations, and growth of U.S. multicultural education from a historical perspective, from colonial times through the 20th century, concluding with some reflections on its future course.
Preparing Anglos for the Challenges and Joys of Multiculturalism
Discusses the multicultural training process with Anglo trainees as it relates to supportively assisting Anglos with the difficult task of confronting White racism, teaching Anglos to respond empathetically to challenges from ethnic-minority colleagues and clients, and introducing Anglos to the joys inherent in multicultural counseling. (RJM).
Seeking Common Ground. In-Service
The former superintendent of the Piscataway (New Jersey) Township Schools describes the hows and whys of diversity workshops for school-district employees. (LMI).
Strength in Diversity: How Well-Managed Cultural Training Programs Can Turn Conflict into Profits
The number of Hispanics entering the workforce between 1992 and 2005 will increase by 64 percent. Cultural diversity training can help companies produce and market products more effectively.
Thai Exchange Students' Encounters with Ethnocentrism: Developing a Response for the Secondary Global Education Curriculum
Reports that previous research showed that many individuals are ethnocentric and lack global awareness. Provides an overview of theories related to ethnocentrism; presents data illustrating attitudes experienced by Thai exchange students in the United States; and introduces a pedagogical approach to global education that minimizes ethnocentrism and enhances global awareness.
The California Crucible: Towards a New Paradigm of Race and Ethnic Relations
Racial relations in California, projected to have parity between white and non-white populations by 2050, illustrates the challenges of an increasingly multiracial society in policy areas such as affirmative action, bilingual education, and immigration reform. A new paradigm is needed that goes beyond the current black-white model to encompass increasing cultural and linguistic diversity.