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Enrichment Activities
Afrocentric Education in Supplementary Schools: Paradigm and Practice at the Mary McLeod Bethune Institute
This article examines the history, philosophy, curriculum, methodology, and operations of the Mary McLeod Bethune Institute (MMBI), an Afrocentric supplementary school located in Los Angeles, California. Qualitative data focusing on MMBI students, parents, and staff, and on the school’s relationship with its students’ public schools and communities are presented.
Enrich Your Kindergarten Program with a Cross-Cultural Connection
Describes a pen pal connection between a New Jersey kindergarten class and an Alaskan Eskimo first-grade class. Details how they used monthly e-mail and regular mail, and exchanged class projects to heighten respect and understanding about others' cultures.
Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction at the College Level
Describes a new method of evaluating the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model as implemented in a high-risk biology course at an urban multicultural university campus. Examination grades indicated that the average grade of participants in classes that had SI sessions was significantly higher than that of participants in classes where SI sessions were not offered.
Introducing the Music of East Africa
Explains and characterizes some of the basic concepts of East African music. Fundamentally an enhanced way of storytelling, East African music techniques are rooted in the play and rhythm of spoken language.
Music Appreciation Class: Broadening Perspectives
Outlines approaches for introducing multicultural music into the standard music appreciation class. Notes the close relationship and influence shared by Middle Eastern and Western music and recommends using this as a starting point.
Why Not Start a Steel Band?
Suggests expanding the eclectic nature of a band program by creating a steel band, a Caribbean-based percussion ensemble. The steel band complements multicultural education and attracts students to the music program.