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English Curriculum
Crossing Borders with Literature of Diversity. The Bill Harp Professional Teachers Series
The purpose of this book is to be a practical tool for those who work with children in grades 4-6 and who wish to make an equitable literature curriculum part of the school-centered reading experiences of the children with whom they work, as well as introduce literature of diversity into their own reading. It is especially meant to provide a user-friendly resource for teachers that will help them increase their knowledge and expand their use of culturally diverse literature in their classrooms.
Reflections on the American Cultures Requirement
Examines the development and alterations in the American Cultures curriculum at the University of California (Berkeley) designed to accommodate emerging student diversity. The following course topics are highlighted: English, Anthropology, and History.
Starting Up a Course in Children's Literature
Discusses a course in children's literature offered through distance education in a community college. Describes topics to be addressed, including a brief history of children's literature, didactic stories and romantic stories, child development and folklore, illustration, and the political questions of our time; and sex roles, multicultural stories, censorship, and television.
Teaching Post-Colonial Studies to Gifted High School Students
Describes a multicultural English course for gifted high school students in Canada. A tone of understanding and acceptance is set through appealing to students' own experiences in an interdisciplinary approach to world literature.