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Educational Principles
Arteacher, 1995-96
The official publication of the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA), this journal serves as a forum for its members to express and share ideas, for the promotion of art education at all levels and for all ages. Issues focus on specific themes, have reprints of conference keynote speeches, and feature regular departments, including: elementary, middle school, and high school divisions news; and the "MAEA Directory" of officers.
Controlling Curriculum Knowledge: Multicultural Politics and Policymaking
Utilizes New York state's development and attempted implementation of multicultural education as a case study providing a concise yet thorough examination of the principles, objectives, and controversies surrounding this issue. Delineates the people and organizations involved in grass roots organizing and media representation on both sides of the issue.
DBAE: The Next Generation
Examines the development and evolution of discipline-based art education (DBAE) from its inception in the early 1980s to its current practice. Maintains that the movement's success comes from the support and acceptance of educators in the field.
Disabled Learners in South Asia: Lessons from the Past for Educational Exporters
This paper examines the cultural traditions of South Asia, especially India and Pakistan, regarding the education of children with special needs. This valuable cultural heritage has been largely ignored in the inflow of western educational ideas and the professionalization of special education, especially in the late 19th century.
Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Discusses 12 essential principles to help schools teach democratic values in a multicultural society. Derived from findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel to review and synthesize research on diversity, principles are organized into five categories: Teacher learning; student learning; intergroup relations; school governance, organization, and equity; and assessment.
Literacy Learning from a Multicultural Perspective (Literacy Learning Outside the Classroom)
The article finds that many immigrant parents (from China, Iran, and India) and their children oppose diametrically many aspects of emergent literacy. The article discusses major differences in beliefs about teaching and learning related to accuracy/precision, focus of control, assessment/accountability, expectations, and rote memorization.
Multiculturalism vs. Globalism
Addresses the error of treating multiculturalism and globalism as the same concept. Considers the boundaries and shared purposes of multiculturalism and globalism.
Place-Based Curriculum and Instruction: Outdoor and Environmental Education Approaches. ERIC Digest
Place-based education is a relatively new term, but progressive educators have promoted the concept for over 100 years. Place-based education usually includes conventional outdoor education and experiential methodologies as advocated by John Dewey to help students connect with their particular corner of the world.
Racism, Reconstructed Multiculturalism and Antiracist Education
Offers a reformulation of the concept of racism that incorporates both biological and cultural elements, but also includes seemingly positively evaluated characteristics in addition to more obvious negative ones. Notes problems with concepts of "reconstructed multiculturalism" and the associated liberal-pluralist conception of "the unity of the nation." (DSK).
Roots of reform: Challenging the assumptions that control change in education
The education reform movement that began in the 1980s has produced disappointing and unsatisfactory results. This book asserts that the reform movement must be reformulated, and that this information is possible and even likely for a new and vigorous effort to save the children and the schools.
Should Schools Promote Toleration?
Observes that educators often take for granted that toleration should be promoted in schools, especially in multicultural societies. Shows that the issue of promoting tolerance is controversial and its value needs careful consideration.
The Political Correctness Controversy Revisited
Maintains that the inclusion of diverse views to enhance understanding is one of the central tenets of education. Briefly summarizes the arguments for and against multicultural education and calls for a more tolerant and open dialog between conservative and liberal factions.
Using Our National Diversity as an Educational Resource
Provides personal perspectives, both from a teacher and her students, on issues of multiculturalism and diversity. Recounts a number of incidents that illustrate some of the trickier aspects of multicultural education ("How do you feel about arranged marriages?").