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Educational Assessment
25 Years of Multiculturalism--Past, Present, and Future, Part 1
Reviews the implementation and early successes and failures of multicultural education in Canada. Although multicultural education was officially adopted as an educational policy in 1971, it has been reworked and revamped as problems and challenges have arisen.
A Social Studies Educator's Continental Journey
Describes a social studies educator's experience in moving within the United States from the East to the West coast and how aspects of this geographic change intersected with issues and concerns in social studies education. Concludes that social studies needs to be valued and assessed in order to ensure its survival.
All Kids Count: Including Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Programs
"All Kids Count is intended as a basic primer on the participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessment systems. Its purpose is to give parents, parent leaders, professional, and other interested parties basic guidelines and points of reference for participating in discussions around policies and practices related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs.
All Kids Count: Including Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Programs
"All Kids Count is intended as a basic primer on the participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessment systems. Its purpose is to give parents, parent leaders, professional, and other interested parties basic guidelines and points of reference for participating in discussions around policies and practices related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs.
Assessing the Attitudes of Student Teachers toward Issues of Diversity: A Dilemma for Teacher Educators
Explores attitudes and perceptions of 120 student teachers with regard to their ability to implement multicultural education in the student teaching classroom. Results suggest that confusion and ambiguity are present throughout the student teacher education experience.
Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Discusses 12 essential principles to help schools teach democratic values in a multicultural society. Derived from findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel to review and synthesize research on diversity, principles are organized into five categories: Teacher learning; student learning; intergroup relations; school governance, organization, and equity; and assessment.
Educating Latino Students: A Guide to Successful Practice
This book attempts to assist readers in expanding their knowledge base in the area of quality practices for Latino students. The chapters contain many practices that can be implemented in educational settings from preschool to secondary school.
Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance
"(Excerpt from Preface of book) This book presents a rationale for learning-centered assessment in our schools and an overview of the tools, techniques, and issues that educators should consider as they design and use assessments focused on learner needs. It argues that we need a different kind of student assessment than the one most schools now use.
Markers of Multicultural/Antibias Education
Contends that creating a program that reflects diversity and equity is an evolving process. Presents common markers whereby programs can judge individual levels on the multicultural and antibias education journey.
Parents’ Thinking about Standardized Tests and Performance Assessments
Parental attitudes about standardized tests and performance assessments were studied through interviews with 60 parents or parent dyads in schools involved in a project to develop new assessments and through questionnaires completed by parents from control schools. Parent approval of standardized tests did not imply disapproval of performance assessment.
The International Baccalaureate: International Education and Cultural Preservation
Examines how well the International Baccalaureate (IB) achieves its aims of inculcating international attitudes while maintaining students' cultural identities. Finds that international attitudes may be more affected by the social environment of IB programs than by the curriculum; success at cultural maintenance varies by culture, with Western cultures being better supported.