



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Demonstration Programs
Can Urban School Reform and Community Development Be Joined? The Potential of Community Schools
Examines how the concepts of service and community might be made to serve the interests of those who are the heart of urban schools: students, their families, and neighborhood residents. The article introduces a model of community schools that is oriented to the inner-directed development of inner-city neighborhoods.
CES--Cultural, Experiential, Skill Building: The Cognitive Foundation
Critiques the assimilation strategy and the hero-heroine-ritual approach to multicultural education, and offers a third model, the Cultural, Experiential, Skill Building (CES) approach, as an alternative for teacher training. Effects of the CES model on potential teachers and the implications for teacher training are addressed.
School Reform and Student Diversity
Case studies of eight exemplary schools demonstrate that language-minority students can learn the same academic curriculum as native English speakers while pursuing English literacy. Common school characteristics include a schoolwide vision of excellence, creation of a community of learners engaged in active discovery, and well-designed, carefully executed language-development programs.