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Culture Contact
Cognitive Changes in the Course of Culture Contacts: Young Teachers Meet Migrant Youth
Handling of acculturation problems in multicultural classrooms requires the analysis of individual cognitive models of the process of cultural contacts. Culture contact is defined as individually oriented persons meeting socially oriented persons.
Cooking Up a Learning Community with Corn, Beans, and Rice
Describes using cooking as a vehicle for creating community among three culturally diverse classrooms of prekindergartners and third graders. Notes how the choice of corn, beans, and rice in the cooking exercise planted the roots of understanding, tolerance, and compassion, and an appreciation of diversity.
Lernen durch Kulturkontakt. Eine Prozebanalyse der Akkulturation deutscher Studienreferendare in multikulturellen Klassen (Learning through Cultural Contact. A Process Analysis of the Acculturation of German Beginning Teachers in Multicultural Classes
Offers a qualitative, longitudinal study that focuses on individual changes in novice teachers triggered by continuous contact with students of another cultural background in multicultural schools. Reveals clear differences in the acculturation processes.
Making Positive Multicultural Early Childhood Education Happen
Describes the process of implementing a positive multicultural educational plan in the early-childhood classroom. Explores techniques in expanding teacher knowledge, changing teacher attitudes, and implementing new ideas; also covers skills necessary to making multicultural education effective, what the plan should teach children, opportunities for mentoring, and parental inclusion in the process.
Markers of Multicultural/Antibias Education
Contends that creating a program that reflects diversity and equity is an evolving process. Presents common markers whereby programs can judge individual levels on the multicultural and antibias education journey.
The Chula/Fish Creek Connection
Describes a social studies cultural exchange program between a public school and a Canadian native school in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Outlines how the students became mutual inquirers into one another's cultures.