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Anti-Racist Education, A Bibliography.
The materials listed in this bibliography of resources on anti-racist education are part of the collection of the Manitoba Education and Training Library.
Children's Books on India and the Indian-American Experience
Lists recommended books that focus on Indians and the Indian-American experience in the United States. Includes folktales, myths, legends, nonfiction, fiction and titles published in India.
Cooking Up a Learning Community with Corn, Beans, and Rice
Describes using cooking as a vehicle for creating community among three culturally diverse classrooms of prekindergartners and third graders. Notes how the choice of corn, beans, and rice in the cooking exercise planted the roots of understanding, tolerance, and compassion, and an appreciation of diversity.
Cultural Reflections: Work, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany, Social Studies. Grades 9-12. Update 1997/1998
This packet contains three lessons designed for the high school classroom. Lessons include: (1) "The German Worker"; (2) "Government in Germany"; and (3) "Culture and Daily Life in Germany." Student activities focus on comparative economic systems, worker training and apprenticeship programs, structure of government with case studies of the health care system and the federal budget, the role of the press in Germany, and leisure activities.
Culture in School Learning: Revealing the Deep Meaning
This publication presents a process for developing a teaching perspective that embraces the centrality of culture in school learning. The six-part process presented in the book involves objectifying culture, personalizing culture, inquiring about students' cultures and communities, applying knowledge about culture to teaching, formulating theory linking culture and school learning, and transforming professional practice to better meet the needs of students from different cultural and experiential backgrounds.
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:ā€¯Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
Intercultural Literacy and the International School
Defines intercultural literacy as the understandings, competencies, attitudes, language abilities, participation, and identities that enable effective engagement with a second culture. Suggests ways for international schools to help promote intercultural literacy, including: (1) maximizing cooperation within groups and minimizing competition between groups; (2) avoiding differences in competence; and (3) promoting individuation of group members.
International Education: Flying Flags or Raising Standards?
Contends that many national schools are trying to establish an international mindset, while researchers in the field of International Education have found little uniformity in such institutions. Asserts that meeting standards, such as those of the Alliance for International Education, would provide a clearer idea of what constitutes quality for international schools.
International Education: Flying Flags or Raising Standards?
Contends that many national schools are trying to establish an international mindset, while researchers in the field of International Education have found little uniformity in such institutions. Asserts that meeting standards, such as those of the Alliance for International Education, would provide a clearer idea of what constitutes quality for international schools.
Making Positive Multicultural Early Childhood Education Happen
Describes the process of implementing a positive multicultural educational plan in the early-childhood classroom. Explores techniques in expanding teacher knowledge, changing teacher attitudes, and implementing new ideas; also covers skills necessary to making multicultural education effective, what the plan should teach children, opportunities for mentoring, and parental inclusion in the process.
Markers of Multicultural/Antibias Education
Contends that creating a program that reflects diversity and equity is an evolving process. Presents common markers whereby programs can judge individual levels on the multicultural and antibias education journey.
Salad Bars & Smorgasbords: The Management of Culture in Sweden & the United States
Investigates multiculturalism and education in Sweden through historical accounts, national course plans and guidelines, current theory, discussions with scholars, classroom observations, and 23 interviews of late-secondary/early postsecondary teachers of civics and Swedish language arts. (EMS).
Teaching about Africa: A Continent of Complexities
This book was designed with activities for students in grades 7-12. The activities increase student awareness about Africa and dispel misconceptions about Africa.
Teaching about Cultural Awareness. Revised
This unit is designed for students in grades 5-12 and can be adapted for individual settings. The unit provides an introduction to multiple perspectives and cultural differences to help students become more aware of the diversity of ideas and practices in society.
The Road to Multicultural Education: Potholes of Resistance
Presents data on the extent to which preservice and inservice teachers and preservice school counselors approached acceptance of the tenets reflected in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's statement endorsing multiculturalism, multilingualism, multidialectism, empowerment, equity, and cultural and individual uniqueness. Survey data illuminate tensions teacher educators experience as they conduct multicultural training activities.
The Unintended Classroom: Changing the Angle of Vision of International Education
Appeals to international schools to help widen the angle of vision through which students view the world. Cautions that this broadening of vision must be balanced with the understanding that national educational communities fear a loss of identity in the "global village." (Contains 20 references.) (EMH).
Windows to the World: Themes for Cross-Cultural Understanding. Grade 4-8
The purpose of this book is to help equip students with some of the concepts, attitudes and skills for successful cross-cultural understanding. The emphasis is on the exploration of cultural perspectives, both of themselves and others.