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Cultural Literacy
Americanization and the Schools
Argues that a common mainstream American culture (a system of common knowledge and root attitudes as well as the English language) should take precedence in the schools over attempts to enforce multiculturalism and bilingualism, which only deepen the disadvantage of the children of the unassimilated. (SR).
At-Risk Student Perceptions of the Value of Their Freshman Orientation Week Experiences
This paper describes the impact of one college's Freshman Orientation Week (FOW) just prior to the fall semester as the first component of an academic achievement and retention enhancement program for at-risk students, The Learning Circle (TLC). TLC provided cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and behavioral skills and literacy training in five areas: basic skills literacy, specialized skills literacy, cultural literacy, multicultural literacy, and composite world literacy.
At-Risk Student Perceptions of the Value of Their Freshman Orientation Week Experiences
This paper describes the impact of one college's Freshman Orientation Week (FOW) just prior to the fall semester as the first component of an academic achievement and retention enhancement program for at-risk students, The Learning Circle (TLC). TLC provided cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and behavioral skills and literacy training in five areas: basic skills literacy, specialized skills literacy, cultural literacy, multicultural literacy, and composite world literacy.
Censoring by Omission: Has the United States Progressed in Promoting Diversity through Children's Books?
Examines the promotion of cultural diversity in the United States through childrens books. Discusses the scarcity of multicultural literature for children, ethnic folklore, racial bias in older books for children, new stereotypes in children's literature, political correctness, and ways to enhance access to quality multicultural literature.
Culture and Family-Centered Practice. FRC Report, 1995-1996
This double issue of the "Family Resource Coalition Report" contains 13 articles focusing on culture and family-centered practice, along with a resource section listing organizations, trainers, consultants, and publications.
Increasing Cultural Awareness of Sixth Grade Geography Students through the Usage of Integrated Units, Literature Based Instruction, and Cooperative Learning Strategies
This research focused on increasing cultural awareness and cultural literacy among 17 world geography students in a Florida sixth-grade. Pre- and post-tests, surveys, cultural notebook evaluation sheets, a speaker's bureau directory log, accountability notebook log, and a cultural resource materials log were used to gather data.
Intercultural Literacy and the International School
Defines intercultural literacy as the understandings, competencies, attitudes, language abilities, participation, and identities that enable effective engagement with a second culture. Suggests ways for international schools to help promote intercultural literacy, including: (1) maximizing cooperation within groups and minimizing competition between groups; (2) avoiding differences in competence; and (3) promoting individuation of group members.
Literacies of Inclusion: Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Youth
Feminist and multicultural practices in public education can help achieve cultural inclusiveness. The paper examines multiple literacies and literacy learning in culturally diverse and gender fair schools, suggesting whole language programs, reader-response criticism, and feminism to expand the educational canon and ensure a public education representing the politics of inclusion.
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Multiple literacies are needed to meet the challenges of today's new technologies and multicultural society. Media literacy is necessary because media culture strongly influences people's world view.
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.
Toward a New Paradigm for Multicultural Counseling
Introduces wisdom as a fundamental quality of the effective multicultural counselor. Wisdom is defined, discussed, and differentiated from intelligence.
White Noise: The Attack on Political Correctness and the Struggle for the Western Canon
Reviews debates about political correctness, multiculturalism, and the Western Canon in education, analyzing why the Canon needs defending and what it says about education. The paper describes flaws in the arguments of those attacking political correctness and defending the Canon, suggesting that the case for multiculturalism and diversified curriculum needs substantial strengthening to be feasible.