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Cultural Interrelationships
"E Pluribus Unum": What Does it Mean? How Should We Respond?
Charts the intellectual history of competing conceptions of national unity, diversity, and ethnic identity. Explicates three models: monolithic integration (monocultural assimilation of diversity), pluralistic preservation (diversity and unity as equal values), and pluralistic integration (stressing consensus about core civic values while acknowledging the compatibilities and tensions regarding unity and diversity).
Creating a Multicultural School Climate for Deaf Children and Their Families
Offers guidelines to help educators of children with deafness build a multicultural learning environment for students and their families. Strategies are provided for developing cultural competence and tips are given for creating inclusive curricula and instructional approaches, choosing culturally diverse materials, and recruiting diverse staff.
Intercultural Literacy and the International School
Defines intercultural literacy as the understandings, competencies, attitudes, language abilities, participation, and identities that enable effective engagement with a second culture. Suggests ways for international schools to help promote intercultural literacy, including: (1) maximizing cooperation within groups and minimizing competition between groups; (2) avoiding differences in competence; and (3) promoting individuation of group members.
Multicultural Theorists and the Social Studies
Questions the multiculturalists' vision that an ethnic group's self-esteem and subsequent academic achievement can improve through the study of its culture. Cites the paucity of studies supporting the effectiveness of interventions to improve inter-ethnic group attitudes.
Multiculturalism and Art Education: Myths, Misconceptions, Misdirections
Maintains that multicultural art education theory and practice have been the subjects of debate and curriculum change in the past decade. Discusses six myths about multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism and Art Education: Myths, Misconceptions, Misdirections
The article maintains that multicultural art education theory and practice have been the subjects of debate and curriculum change in the past decade;discusses six myths about multiculturalism and; Concludes that multicultural education is a reconceptualization of who people are and what kind of people they want to be. (CFR).
Precollegiate Anthropology: Its Potential for the Twenty-first Century
Considers the role anthropology can play in addressing multicultural issues in education. Maintains that through the study of various cultures students can build respect and value for diversity, understand that human behavior is influenced by culture, and create an understanding of the similarity of human experiences and concerns.
Promoting Multiculturalism in Developmental Education
Asserts that the teaching profession needs to recognize the natural connections between multicultural and developmental education. Presents eight steps developmental educators can take to promote pluralism, including (1) establishing a clear link between cultural pluralism and institutional and programmatic mission and goals; (2) striving for diversity at all levels; and (3) embedding multiculturalism in the curriculum.
Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Urges a broader definition of the term "multicultural counseling," and explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. Briefly reviews the current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling, and offers suggestions for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors.
The Unintended Classroom: Changing the Angle of Vision of International Education
Appeals to international schools to help widen the angle of vision through which students view the world. Cautions that this broadening of vision must be balanced with the understanding that national educational communities fear a loss of identity in the "global village." (Contains 20 references.) (EMH).
Video-conferencing for Collaborative Educational Inquiry
Profiles a series of video conferences that examined the effects of European settlement on the art of Aboriginal peoples in Australia and the cultural conflicts facing contemporary Aboriginal artists. The video conferences brought together Aboriginal artists and Canadian educators.