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critical thinking
Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
This book explores the development of critical cultural awareness through the process of teaching and learning about foreign cultures. It draws upon theoretical foundations relating to inter- and intra-cultural communication from contemporary philosophical movements, namely critical theory and postmodernism.
Critical Multiculturalism in the Mature University
Explores how a critical multiculturalism, by encouraging greater cultural diversity in a widening participation in higher education, has the potential to change British universities. Showing how institutions discriminate against black people makes clear where power lies and how decisions are made.
Empowering Pedagogies That Enhance the Learning of Multicultural Students
Discusses the tenets of critical pedagogy, describing research on the presence of those tenets within discourse patterns and pedagogical practices in urban, community-based classrooms. Discourses and pedagogies of three female, African American teachers are highlighted, examining how teachers challenge students to consider alternate life possibilities, become critical thinkers, and consider transformation of their own and others' life situations.
Multicultural Reasoning and the Appreciation of Art
Explicates a multicultural approach to art education that enhances critical thinking. Grounds this approach in the philosophical principles of constructivism that emphasize the student's construction of meaning rather than the passive transmission of knowledge from a teacher.
Preparing K-12 Teachers To Teach for Social Justice: An Experimental Exercise with a Focus on Inequality and Life-Chances Based on Sico-Economic Status
Describes a preservice multicultural education and social foundations course designed to expand awareness of and encourage an appreciation and respect for diversity, highlighting an experiential exercise that focuses on institutional inequities of socioeconomic status and that promotes critical thinking, cooperative group work, and making use of multiple intelligences. (SM).
Preparing Teachers for Diversity through Critical Conversation
Students in ethnically homogeneous regions often enter teacher education programs lacking opportunity to recognize or reflect on diversity. By creating spaces for critical conversations, students can extend their perspective and understanding of diversity.