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Curriculum, Identity, and Experience in Multicultural Teacher Education
Reports on the initial stages of an ongoing action-research project in multicultural teacher education. Viewing curriculum as the creation of culturally significant domains for conversation, the project inquired into how a secondary English-methods course centered on issues of cultural diversity and emerging professional identities was taken up by predominantly white, middle-class students.
Faculty's Perceptions of Pluralism: A Lakeland Community College Study
As part of a project to develop an instructional model that integrates ideas, readings, and discussion about pluralism and identity across disciplines, Lakeland Community College (LCC), in Ohio, undertook a survey of college faculty to determine their perceptions of multiculturalism and diversity, as well as the methods that they used to incorporate those elements into the classroom.
Historical Perspectives on Biographies for Children as Content for Multicultural Education
Booker T. Washington and W.
Incorporating Components of American Pluralism into a Course on the Geography of the USA
Outlines some of the pedagogical and organizational concerns encountered in transforming a traditional college-level U.S. geography course into a course emphasizing pluralism and diversity issues.
Multicultural Content in Social Work Graduate Programs: A National Survey
A national survey of 45 faculty and 75 deans and directors of graduate-level multicultural social work programs found that there was heavy reliance on traditional teaching methods; an increasing number of groups and topics were being covered; coursework was poorly linked to field practicum experience; and teacher attitudes were associated with ethnic and racial background. Contains 80 references.
Multicultural Education in Collegiate Family and Consumer Sciences Programs: Developing Cultural Competence
Responding administrators (204 of 507) in college family and consumer sciences units indicated that more than 50% had multicultural goals and objectives; in the upper division, 80% had multicultural courses. Perceived deterrents were lack of financial resources, preparation time, and time in current courses.
Multicultural Issues in the Advertising Curriculum
Argues that advertising students should understand ethnic markets. Finds that only 15% of surveyed advertising professors said their departments offer courses focused exclusively on multicultural issues, only 13% said students were required to take courses relevant to ethnic advertising outside of their department, and over half spent three hours or less on multicultural components in their general advertising courses.
Pedagogy of Possibilities: Teaching about Racism in Multicultural Counseling Courses
Teaching about diversity or multiculturalism in counselor education programs is a challenge. Racism as a topic is an emotionally charged subject.
Plato's "Republic" in the Core Curriculum: Multiculturalism and the Canon Debate
Discusses the debate surrounding multiculturalism and the expansion of the literary canon by examining Stanford University's decision not to require Plato's "Republic." Suggests that the criteria for the core curriculum should not be principally based on the extent to which a work contributes to the reduction of demeaning attitudes. (28 citations) (MAB).
Spiritual Issues in Counseling: A New Course
Describes a course designed to explore spiritual issues that occur in counseling. Using a multicultural framework, discusses topics such as understanding spirituality, assessing clients' spiritual needs, and identifying spiritual issues in counseling.
Starting Up a Course in Children's Literature
Discusses a course in children's literature offered through distance education in a community college. Describes topics to be addressed, including a brief history of children's literature, didactic stories and romantic stories, child development and folklore, illustration, and the political questions of our time; and sex roles, multicultural stories, censorship, and television.
Student Experiences with Multicultural and Diversity Education
Investigates student learning experiences in courses with multicultural and diversity content and finds that community college students desire this kind of course content. Students want to learn more about diversity than what frequently is associated with "culture." Information concerning gender, sexual orientation, ageism, classism, and disabilities should be infused into college curricula.